Sunday, March 26, 2006

SO very tired...tired

well...seems i'vent written in here for the last 6 months. Sigh...nothing much to write..can't really think much these days. hasn't been a good Mar 06 for me. Juz recovered from the usual tonsils infection which knocked me out for a week. After that straight into the bloody exercise TJ. Not enuff sleep and rest preventing me from recovering fully. Only getting a few hrs of nap time everynight. get back at 12 midnight and back to camp by 7.30am every morning.

Even now i feel exhausted and my cough still lingers around. 5 more working days but why do i still feel so down and out? Just 5 more days...just need to hang on till then....

1 comment:

[G]aReTH said...

are you clearing leave already?? long time never see you in camp!!