Sunday, April 15, 2007

Oh I just love today's newspaper article on the bastard with 10 wives and 64 children. He's a muslim and the way he interpreted the rule abt having maximum of 4 wives.

1+2+3+4 = 10

Ta da! isn't he a genius. Must have scored A1 for all his maths tests. Tell u some pple are really crack pots in this world. 4 wives is to support them and protect them which is not (as the bugger interprepted it to be) 4 wives satisfying ur fucking overpowering urge to have sex.

so 64 children with not enuff money to support them. Where does this burden ends up with? with singaporeans who are forced to spend our own money to support some irresponsible fucker. I mean my earlier post was abt the Woman with her 8th child. This guys is 8x8=64.

I'm really becoming quite pessimistic with the world we are living in. I alrdy knew we were in trouble like yrs back when global warming was highlighted but pfftt..not much being done. I mean our generation wouldn't have to worry much since we would be dust and bones long b4 the world collapses. But say our children? or the next generation?

Reminds me of a Simpson episode where they show Maggie holidaying in the antartica, but the world's changed so much that it's now a beach resort.

For pple made in God's image, we humans are surprisingly exceedingly stupid. It's like parents with 200 IQs giving birth to a child of IQ 50. By the time we do anything abt the world, we would alrdy have destroyed it. It's all abt ME ME ME MY MINE!! in this world. Power, glory, myself. Mankind never thinks abt others.

Since we've come, or to be more specific, since the 19th century, we have killed prob abt half the world's animal population. polluted the world etc etc. This once again reminds me of an email i received some yrs back. It was abt a teacher asking the class on what was the most dangerous species in the world was. Usual answer of lion, tigers etc etc. One smart dude even said the Viruses bacteria which kills off millions. Teacher said that was the 2nd most dangerous.


We will most likely destroy the earth but the qn remaining is : Would our technology be advanced enough to colonise other planets and thus escape extinction for but a while longer? For course the next qn would be how long more will a new planet survive under us?

Yes yes..i'm feeling cynical and bitter. Sigh.. I wanted to watch 300. but had no time. bloody hell.
everyone else watched it alrdy except me. oh well maybe i will wait like 4 yrs time b4 the fucked up TCS broadcast it with them censoring a lot of it.

U guys know now that younger pple can only learn to drive at 21yrs of age? wtf?
We can kill at age of 18 when we join the army but we can't drive till we are 21. So in other words, driving is more dangerous than the army. (could be true seeing the fucked up state the army is in actaully).

YES I AM VERY CYNICAL TODAY! ok..back to work.

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

10 wives "satisfying ur fucking overpowering urge to have sex"!!! omfg!! can u even imagine that??! 11-way orgy being a nightly event for this guy!!! heck, maybe even DAILY!!! well, maybe except for some of the wives who are alrdy getting old and wrinkly... can u imagine an old and wrinkly pussy? someday u will have that.

GENIUS!!! He can just sell off his kids for a living! Maybe he can even sacrifice a bit and have only a 5-way orgy every night so that his wives can earn some money whoring.

with 64 kids, even if u dont want to sell them off, u can still use the older ones(i estimate at least a third of them are above 16) to gang up and kidnap/rob banks/smuggle drugs/mug ppl for a living! JEEBUS HOLY CHRIST!! What a way to live! have daily orgies with ur harem and let ur kids fulfil their duties as ur filial children!

He only said he cant support them all(if he did at all) because he doesnt want the government's tax-collectors to check his bank accounts and compare the money with his family's income from the legal sources. JENIOUS!

Global warming is coming! Katrina is only a little taste of what's to come. Soon, such storms will be common. Singapore will be just a shallow spot in the sea. Genting will be "normal" land. We may not be dead when it starts, since the point of absolutely-no-redemption is in 2 decades' time. We'll probably be in our 70s when we start crying. No doubt hurricanes will reach singapore then.

Antartica cannot be a beach resort simply becos the winds there are too violent (no land anywhere near to slow the wind). the artic is more possible :P just trivia.

we are destroying the world simply by using computers. even if we dont think about the source of electricity, we still need to remember that the production of computer components produces a wide array of toxic substances. And throwing them in the dustbins is the same. (Selling ur old pc to karang guni or 2nd hand traders and throwing ur old hp to collection centers like the ones by nokia would be eco-friendly)

mankind thinks about others. but only after thinking for himself. would you stop using ur com and get solar panels for your house's electric needs after reading what i typed? of course not. it's our nature to care for oneself first, and this is why we survived so far.

Man may be the most dangerous creature in the world, but it is the only species that is capable of saving the world too.

the first extrasolar planet showing signs of the presence of water has been discovered. but it's the dried-up core of a gas giant that has a year of 3.5 earth days long.

all these doesn't really say anything about how soon we can leave this planet.

we may not have to leave this planet to escape extinction. hell we may never even discover another suitable planet.

when the water rises enough, most low-lying flatlands(which are the best lands for agriculture) will be part of the sea-floor. And the world's climates will be very screwed-up. but the dead sea will not longer be dead!!!!!! YAY!!

food will be a problem. Since food is the very basic unit of everything that is life, much of the world's population will be forced to go back to farming on what's left of the higher lands. unless someone can find a way to make seaweed more delicious, cos that will be plentiful then lol.

And, of course, the world economy will be very different then. so maybe nasa will probably not have as much funding as it does now.

cars ARE more dangerous than the military. more ppl die from car accidents in singapore then get killed by the military or in military training accidents.