Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I knew i was forgetting to blog abt the transfomers movie outing which I organise.

Movie was not bad...but to a true fan, it's a tad bit disappointing. Of course i could relate to certain parts of the show which i'm sure ivan and the rest wouldn't recognise.

a) Bumblebee -> 1st time they showed him, his actual vehicle form was the tiny little yellow car that was shown besides him (it's the one where the shop owner was sitting in b4 he was forced out)

b) Speeches like One shall stand and 1 shall fall. More than meets the eye. transform and roll out etc etc. All from the old classic shows.

Disappointing parts:
1. Actions sometimes were a tad bit too fast. Couldnt tell who was getting CRUSHED!! songs ... well they could included some of the old songs.

2. When they showed prime and megatron fighting they shld have allowed them to carry on using their mace/sword weapons. That's 1 of their actual weapons occassionally shown in the cartoons/ comics. WHERE WAS MEGATRON'S CANNON THAT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE ATTACHED TO HIS ARM????

3. Stats shown on the Life newspaper were WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!.

4. When did devastator become a single small robot? blah!. It's not really called transformers when u changed the looks, the abilities and the basic design of the robots man... It's like asking a yh to wear ivan's clothes and saying: that's the new ivan.

Anyway planning this outing was the seriously most f**ked up organising i've done in a long long time. I had to travel to ViVo, JEC and JP to get the damm tickets (of course it was 4 free tickets provided by thx. so internet booking wasn't allowed). It took me 4 hrs. By the time i reached home, i had jsut enough time to take a bathe and rest for 45mins b4 setting off for JP again.

It didin't help that pple like czy were initially complaining and left unsaid. Things i've learnt from this outing

a) NEVER EVER NEVER EVER EVER ask ivan to help u in organising. ESPECIALLY when he's 1/2 asleep and/or he's with XL's house. It's like passing a flame thrower to a 5 yr old in a firecracker factory and trusting him not to blow up the whole place. Success rate would be like 0.0000000000001% of task getting completed. Sadly i made that mistake because i was out having dinner with mandy. Sigh... Love is blind..i can change it to LOVE MAKES ME BLIND!! I shld have seen that mistake coming..come to think of it, i would never have asked ivan when he was sleepy to do anything!!! Females are dangerous! They make us do mistakes we normally would never do.

extracts from conversation with Ivan : remember to tell czy will and yh!! impt!! proceeds to tell date, time of movie (set at 1845hrs) and where to meet for dinner. (conversation was at ard 1800 or so). (victor was thinking ivan's sleepy, but nah! i trust ivan! he shld be able to pass the message. After all, the 3 pple are usually on msn. no worres! )

Came back from my happy dinner at 2300 (unaware of diaster looming), logs onto msn and chats with will, and czy. :

Will + czy: hey vic, tomorrow's movie at 10pm right? (stunned silence on msn)
Victor: Didn;t ivan call u pple? or msn u guys to say blah blah blah
Will/czy: No leh. timing change is it? (victor proceeds to bristle the air with curses)

To ivan's credit he DID tell yh. But only told wat time the movie was. Where to meet and time to meet was left out.

Later interrogation and grilling of ivan revealed he only remembered abt 1/2 the conversation .

End of transmission............

b) must strive to be a master marksman like hx. His arrows so SHARP!! and so accurate! TOLONG LAH!! WHY EVERYTIME ASK ME!!!

Even though i'm whinning abt this i dun really mind if THAT much. After all these are FRIENDS...well kind of... Of course ivan and czy combined (90% of stress originated mostly from ivan). Czy was a minor distracted. Because i knew (he told me) he was WOW-ing and still DARED to very mildly complain to me when i was q-ing like 1/2 hr each at Vivo and JP. Ivan was (new term made by victor) XL-ing at XL's house.

Yh was superb at helping me check the various cinema's for different timings of the shows. Unlike Gentle ivan. *vomits blood* hahaha. (only those whom i told wat happened would understand the gentle part). CHECKING THE TIMING WOULD ONLY HAVE TAKEN U 10 mins ivan...certainly her brothers could spare u 10 mins right??? RIGHT???? *starts raving*

I need a break from that outing. Ironic that it was suppose to be a relaxing trip and it turned out to be nightmare. It's like the show Nightmare on Xmas.

Whee! and now i'm arrowed (by who else) to help co-organise (this was also used for the movie thingy) genting trip. I swooned with joy and delight! Time for me to get more painkiller pills.
Can see my life span shortening...

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

1. Actions sometimes were a tad bit too fast. Couldnt tell who was getting CRUSHED!!

I'd like to add that the cameras were zooming in too much too.

ask william to assist u next time :D