Monday, January 29, 2007

STRESSED!!! can u believe that i spent most of today studying and reading up on my books? (1 book to be exact) No aussie open tennis to distract me, no dota (too sick of it) to tempt me.

This is kindof going to be a complain/whinning entry. So if u dun like it, stop reading from this moment on.

1) found out that several of my tutorials/lectures will be at NP. Blk 50/51 to be exact, which is...*drum roll* near the football field (near the basketball courts which we usually play at). FU*K!!! so far... wah liao leh... somemore it's at night. if i was a girl i might be scared. Zzz...omg...why can't the tutorials/lectures be nearer SIM HQ...but no...

2) Have 3 TMAs(tutor marked assignments) to pass up by 06 mar (latest) . That means i have to do 1 every 10 days. It shldn't be that bad...except my brains damm rusty. And there's also CNY in btw to interrupt me and lots of research to do too. NO!!! (not used to studying yet.)

3) My nose super blocked for some strange reason now. Cleared my room again of rubbish. Must be all the dust flying ard.

4) My cousin Ben's wedding will be in Aug.. So disappointing. Was hoping it would be in Dec. Then my cousins and i could fly over to UK, attend the wedding and tour europe. Oh well...probably have to wait till Amy gets married. Haven't been to europe b4.


1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

I stopped readin when you told me too. YAY!