Thursday, February 08, 2007

OMG!! Buffet cancelled this saturday!!! NO!!!

Even more shocking: asked hx if it could be changed to sunday, but he said SUNDAYS he GOES to CHURCH!!!

Such a "DEVOTED" "converted" member. The power of faith!!! BEHOLD!! (of course it could be the power of girls in this case but let's not spoil the moment). Maybe next when pple get married they might have to really call on Pastor Teo liao. *holds bible*


IVAN ATTACHED?? CAn it be true?? IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE!? Yes it's true!!! (full interview with ivan coming in next blog). No wonder he pang sei satuday's buffet... Wah liao..not even 1/4 the yr of 2007 and he broke the main rule of Bachelor's club of remaining single

So with 2 such shocking news, does it surprise us to have floods in m'sia and indonesia? Floodings were a SIGN!!! A SIGN!!! Of course if hx really becomes a pastor...i think s'pore would floods too..and victor would strike $10m toto/lottery ticket win.

This yr quite exciting sia. That cheapskate ivan never buy v day gift on sunday right? maybe he saving up for something special or "special".

I shall now say a true prayer for my friends. (RARE HOR!!!)

Lord,let my friends be blessed this yr and every yr. Their wishes be granted. protect them from harm. May their ventures/attempts in whatever they do succeed. Let them cherish what they have. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Of course i say the something very simliar for my relatives everynight too. ( u didnt know i was that devoted too right?) Doesn't mean that i don't go to church is a sign of my lack of devotion.

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