Sunday, March 25, 2007

it's gives me greater motivation to blog seeing how KA PO my friends are abt my life. It touches my heart *sniff sniff*

lousy bunch of girlfriends right? so got nothing better to do than read my blog correct? (ivan exempted from this insult). Can just imagine GH right now reading this log.

but let's not do any friend bashing. then's only gh. I feel guilty abt bashing other friends..but gh? nah. Not a single moment of remorse or regret. I mean it's just gh. why waste such an emotion on him? hua..not worth it.

Anyway i've posted a link to rowan atkinson's skits on youtube on the BC site. Besides that, u guys might want to check out on the following skits: Rowan Atkinson in hell, Fatal beatings, and with friends like these (i didn't add that one in the message.)

the last one really represent a certain grp.

nothing much to blog anyway. life's been dull.


Senor_Hybrido said...

And... BINGO!! YOU HAVE JUST HIT THE JACKPOT!! Your Sze Kin-like lack of diplomacy is the most probable cause of your success in getting girlfriends, or the absence of it anyway, despite the heavy amounts of wishing, and jerking off during the process of "wishing".

Plus, notice the first person to reply is usually me! I, for one, read my friends' blogs and post inane comments for fun and a bit of rest.

Playing HOMM V can be tiring, too, when my personal standard in every round is to let none of my ranged units die until the last battles no matter what race I'm using.

Or Supreme Commander or CV4, because all strategy games need brainwork and/or concentration.

I see the notion that "no gf=loser" as a misguided belief. Just look at Elton John! Joking. Life does not revolve around sex, man! You've been getting too much influence from Hollywood!

Anonymous said...

lol.. im always expecting victor d pig to hit me with some ugly comments! n BINGO! i got it right! well poor victor! i tink i m leaving bachelor club pretty soon! if u can ever get d hint in d first place? dun be too sad ok? u better wrk harder dude! lol..

With love:
Ur eternal nemesis-gh! lol..

Senor_Hybrido said...

gh pls upload a pic of u and her together on yahoo when u take one. :D nude or not its fine.