Monday, April 16, 2007

The End is NEAR!!! *waves banners ard* So forget abt exams. Slack, make ur peace, do watever u wanted to do.

so let's see....what did i wanted to blog abt...hmm.oh ya. Grace shifted out of her house, seems their family bought a new house somewhere in bukit panjang. Such a pity. they were good neighbours and the mom made pretty good chicken curry.

I wanted XL's msn address but that fiend ivan doesn't want to give me. Ok, i might have appeared evil (some would say I AM EVIL) when i was err.."accidentally" cursing him to be single again. Just imagine our club welcoming back the prodigy bachelor back into our fold.

We can have this BIG HUGE ENORMOUS banner which says: "WELCOME BACK!!!". We will all wear the little party hats, william can prob blow on a trumpet and the rest of us can beat on drums, dance ard and maybe even have fireworks to "celebrate" the occassion. We can even get ivan drunk and rob him blind. After all if being single is misery. We all want more company to share the misery. So why not include ivan back in? Misery loves COMPANY! The more the merrier! Doesn't my logic stun u all into agreement? Maybe i shld be a politician. haha..Expansion of the BC to include the whole country, then the WORLD! AND THE SUPREME OVERLORD REIGNS SUPREME!! *insane manical laughter*

Anyway so i wonder why ivan doesn't trust me enough to give me the msn add. *rolls eyes* some type of friend! (referring to ivan. of course some pple might think it refers to me, but I'm a good person, just that i'm usually lured to be mischevious. never evil.)

Dun ask me why i;m blogging abt's just one of those weird ideas that keep popping into my head.

Steady Bo? steady!

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

"Grace shifted out of her house"

Aww... no more listening to her masturbating in the middle of the night. A sad day for any guy.

Now where did this idea come from? Hmm...

"I wanted XL's msn address but that fiend ivan doesn't want to give me."

y would u want XL's msn? there's no reason for u to have it.

"Doesn't my logic stun u all into agreement?

not exactly. it just stuns me.


i can imagine u'd be de-flowering girls for leisure like the way mao zedong did. Weeee!!! 11-way ORGIES!!!!!

"ivan doesn't trust me enough to give me the msn add."

would u?

LOL! nah maybe its just there's no point in u having it, and he doesn't want anyone to tell her about the White Teddy Which Was Once Black