Thursday, April 01, 2010

To my dear Modern day Hermit friend Yau Hing,

this saturday there's an outing. And Since i'm *ahem* as SOME TEOs say a "lousy"Christian, would u like to go?

below are the details: btw the original message below is from CM

ANW! Would you all like some Free food, Free drinks and Free music on 3rd April evening instead?

My church is having an Easter celebration and I'll be playing in a band to provide the free (but u may have to visit a ENT specialist after that) music. (pub style)

Event: love@BTPC (BTPC is my church name)
Venue: 19F Charlton Lane (10min walk from Kovan MRT)
Time: 630pm-9pm.

We'll be playing songs like Always Be By Baby, Accidentally in Love and Gary Cao songs. There'll be some simple activities too!

There'll be free desserts and drinks, so ur can have light dinner at Kovan Hawker Centre (they've really gd fishball noodles n chick rice) b4 that. and AFTER 9pm, i can intro u all to this dessert place at Ice Age nearby =)


Man...i swear ur the only person i've to do this to get u to respond to messages yh!!!

btw ivan, still waiting for ur reply.

Me and will don;t mind going. HX is OF COURSE going i PRESUME.

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