Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pasir Ris HERE I COME!!


yes it's been almost ..sorry it's been more than 2 months since the last post!!

and now the long awaited return! *drum roll pls*

so anyway u know...(i know this is a very irritating phrase because most pple actually dun know and this phrase is mostly a singlish one u know? lol)
anyway, since 2nd July i've been working at Pasir Ris! YES OH YES!!! It's Fricking PASIR RIS. Hallejuah!

hence now i'm temporaily staying at tenah merah at my cousin's place. My uncle adn the whole family are just so kind. They immediately said ok to me staying over. Breakfast they will also buy extra stuff for me to eat. Feel so embarrassed to impose on them like this.

I swear if next time my cousins need to stay over at my place, i will do the same for them as they did for me. This is i swear and as they say, a man's word is his bond.

anyway my working hrs are fucking insane

tues- thurs - 10am - 9pm
Friday - 10am - 10pm
Sat - 12noon - 10pm
Sunday - 12noon - 9pm

monday off.

Mind you...this was changed just 3 days after we started work. it was suppose tobe 10am -8pm initially.



at least my female colleagues provide some eye relief. No one's happy abt the damn hrs but bo pian. MOOOOOOOOOOOO

so will blog more once i return back.

btw i'm working at the ALIVE GALLERY at DOWNTOWN EAST. If u guys want to come (with gfs) i can try to sneak u in. But it seems i;m only there till this saturday.

My aunt is forcing me back to tanjong pagar because of the shortage of manpower in the officve. pfft.....

thus i greet thee my friends and viewers a good night and a pleasant day.


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