Friday, July 23, 2010

Today has been a fuckiinnngg hooorrible day + yesterday too

a) went to collect my term's books, (term starts next week). and...1) 1 of the courses the damn MAIN reading guidebook aka textbook hasnt come out yet 2) the reading materials aka something like those lit books like macbeth etc ALL of them aren't out yet because UNISIM TOLD THE BOOKSTORE ONLY 56 PPLE ARE TAKING THE COURSE WHEN THERER WERE 193 PPLE TAKING IT.

u know and i know u know that usually dear mr victor here doesnt lose his temper but this is FRICKING IDIOTIC. usually there are shortages once in a while but to miscalculate so damn badly? WTF ARE THEY THINKING OF? Monday when i'm on leave i'm going to call the damn UNISIM and demand some answers

i'm seriously pissed. i shldnt get too angry it's not good for health but then again...considering lessons start on thursday with 0 text to read up...bullshit

today when drinking starbucks javachip venti size the person didnt cover the cap properly = some of the coffee spilled onto my shirt. fuckery. luckily i was wearing a black/white/brown striped shirt. so no one could see the stains. it just so happened on the day i was going to watch despicable me.

btw that show is aweeesome. nice.

and like some ex cheena boy i watched it alone. booked the tickets this morning. (can picture HX saying: "wah liao, can u dun be so loooserish?") get someone to pei u lah.

of course mr senor hybrido and a certain CY will say why pay to watch? there's always so and so streaming sites etc.

btw this is the 1st movie i'ev watched this whole year. and a better part of last year too i think. last movie i watched was TERMINATIOR : SALVATION.

well watching a good movie dispells some of my bad mood. *grunt* have to go back to pasir ris tomorrow. sighsssssssss

+ NTUC's account staff totally screwed things up. from giving names and went to + DOB then went to the ULTIMATE SCREWED UP thing to filling up a FULL APPLICATION FORM + A COPY OF NRIC. WTFFFFFFFFFFFF????????

+ they suddenly needed 2 more pple to come on sat and sunday. and just nice all my spares said it was too sudden (that i agree) and hence i 've to travel all the way back again.

of course this irritates me but doesnt anger me. except the accounts needed the full 5 pages application form for PART TIMERS.

needless to say, it's not been a good week.

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