Wednesday, December 02, 2009

After close to 8 months or more w/o dota...

His very 1st words when he jioed us for dota. i'm now very pro ok? wait till u see my potm

He kept on saying that till the game started and after the game ended.

Of course whenever u hear ed say that u must take his words with a huge shovel of salt, but just once when he said it with so much conviction i thought MAYBE he trained secretly u know?

alas....his next words after game started were

WAIT TILL U GUYS SEE MY POTM WITH VANGUARD!!! -_-''' (for the unintiated, vanguard is mostly used for str heroes or some agil heroes with no escape skills etc. POTM with a jump out of danger skill...doesnt fit into any of those categories.

well to be fair ed's score was 1-1. and HOLY OMG CZY PRAISED ED IN THAT GAME!! (call the record books! its a first..and probably the last

it was the 1st time ever ed only ended the game with 1 death. Doesnt this tell u how noob the other team was? i mean ed the supreme overlord of noobs. The nooblet, the noob god getting a score of 1-1!!! Enuff said

2nd game similar. Ed's confidence begans to rise.

3rd game: There's the edward we all know and love. 2-11 OM. who selfishly dived into the line of enemies to be our meat tank. it's like those army movies: Ed sees the gattling gun being aimed at his allies and he jumps heroic in the line of fire and dies in .000001 secs. while the rest of us who were acutally standing 200 metres away, are laughing at ed's bad eyesight and judging skill. lol

4th game: ed's game sa....ALL RIGHT BABY! HE"S THE MAN!!!! after beating the habit of not buying bracers for sa months ago, he rebought them back! and ed's sa..he's such a fair and honourable player. scared of being overpowered by his perm invis skill, he willingly uses a skill (smoke) that reveals him to the enemies to give them a fighting chance w/o disabling them

So let the emo signals be given out! He's back...and bigger than ever..give a warm welcome to ED the EMO CATALYST!!

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