Monday, December 28, 2009


Freakingly exhausting day. But u know its good after meeting with BC members after months of not having the time to meet up.

BBQ was goooooooooddddddd

games were...........noooooo goood because pple didnt trust me.

I'm the seer!! believe me!! (yuan yuan and czy...we dun believe u and even if ur the seer kill u also nvm..end result? 6 out of 7 pple voted to kill me...)

man i tell...if that was a movie, my seer's ghost would haunt the damm village for eternity lol.

my werewolve hunting powers quite power neh. so is my werewolve killing power. always pick out the seer to kill or who the werewolf is.

BUT no one believes me...buggers. i sensed biasness in that game. no one believed yh but do they kill him as often as they do me?? Noo...

Then next day went to Pastor Teo's baptism. *sniff sniff* so touching....and my stomach was growling. no food till 1245pm brunch.

was sooo tired during the sermon. I found the Pastor/ Reverend was a bit long winded. Worst part came when they said close ur eyes for prayers...GG victor GG.

Devoted victor closed his eyes for 2mins ++ (very deep prayer) . At least i hope that's what the photographer, with the gigantic lens pointing right at my face when i woke up, was thinking.

As long as i didnt snore shld have been ok i guess. Thx to CM for passing me a mentos sweet if not the zzzz monster would have won.

So hx baptised..right after that he THANKED me for coming and offered to treat me lunch (amazing no? i thought woah!! baptism really changes a person!!!)

then he said..oh he had no money, let CM treat instead (sigh of relief..that's the hx we know and love lol)

Was so tired i slept for 2hrs in the afternoon (not like some meekling who slept from 1pm - 9pm) tsk tsk...weak lah brothers weak!!

but i must be getting weaker also...last time i could stay awake the whole night and not sleep till next day night time...sighs...sign of old age lol.

Now a special word from our Emo God's 10 commandments, sadly we currently only have the 1st 4.

1) Thou knew it was a fair game when it started
2) Thou's incompetnecy caused them to leave
3) Thou Shall not feed
4) Thou shall keep pushing

Drink deeply the words of the Emo God!!!! Emolleujah!

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