Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The End of the World is NOT 2012 as pple state, it is 2010!!! my reasons are stated below

Reason why

1) Increased effects from global warmings

2) more conflicts and deaths ard the world

3) Birth of emoism end of 2008 (signifying the beginning of the end man!!!)

4) Ed's return to dota (hastening effect of emoism in the world. Frequency of dark purple emo clouds have increased by 10000% since ed's return to dota)

5) Ivan declaring he will quit dota. (this one not really a major concern there's been false alarms since 2 years back lol)

6) Hx's Baptism.
(the alien kidnappers really screwed up in their data man!!! HX GETTING BAPTISED!! I mean just 3 years b4, (if anyone told us hx was getting baptised...common reaction will be = HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHA good joke good joke. it's a joke right?) Be sure to keep a lookout for massive earthquakes or hurricanes in Singapore on that day

but seriosuly hx to convert to christanity. man who would ever have thought abt it. His path to Pastor Teo is set!! image hx saying: " bless u my son! *sprinkles holy water* preaches abt sharing and giving and loving one anther...."

somehow the almost 10 years of info on hx doesnt seem to fit into that image. Must be love man...Females can really change a guy i guess. No wonder they say love makes miracles. JIA YOU XL!!! Make a vegetarian out of ivan!

As for my comments on the thoughts of baptism in general oh well those will come another day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You identify, people always make comments when anything is predicted to take place in 2012, like “obviously that is if the age is hush here.” You do realize that the Mayans suggest the creation will finish on Dec. 21 (or 23rd)? So in all distinct possibility if anything is affluent to take place in 2012 there is solitary the slimmest chance that the world will take ended already it happens.
]Light Beings
[/url] - some truth about 2012