Friday, February 12, 2010

I would like to thank HX for organising the seoul garden buffet on Wed! Even though like 10am that day he was still asking me who was coming et. Kinda scary considering that HE was the organiser....

to those who flew kite/ aeroplane: SHAME ON U!!!! (ivan... at least gh couldnt go because he was working OT. william also!!! he prefer getting kicked by hot sweaty girls lol than having a buffet with friends. saddddd :(((((((((

to those that never reply to the email: ALSO SHAME ON U!!!

to those that didnt even treat me: SHAME ON U!!

anything else i can shame abt...hmm... oh well nvm.

Seoul garden's food kind went down. THEY DUN SERVE FISH ANYMORE!! just some fish cakes that look like fish and they no longer have the cheap sushi they had years ago. bloody cheapskates.

looking at Pastor Teo eat...was kinda disturbing as usual. This time he ate cold food..then alternate btw hot and cold in equal amts. i mean don't normal pple eating like that suffer diahorrea or stomachache at least??

Yh put forth an interesting idea...maybe hx's stomach inside there's a warp hole leading to another dimension. (it was very funny the way yh said it)

He arent human i tell u!!!

There's this tune that's been in my head for the last few days. catchy beat but kinda irritating that its on my mind for so long.


HAPPY CNY PPLE!! Nian nian you yu. Every year have fish

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