Wednesday, February 03, 2010

A quote from the NEW paper i read last week

A Man Must be Lusty, if not he's not a man!


*of course that quote came from a womaniser who's been abandoned by his wife and kids BUT doesnt regret his actions. but that's a minor pt lol! LET"S BE LUSTY DUDES!!!

Still not as bad as John Terry huh? Had an affair with his teammate's GF? Got her pregnant? and made her abort? that's like strike 1 2 and 3....ur OUT! bastard also has a wife and twins too!

Same as Tiger Woods. Come on man. u've a wife, kids...control ur damm bloody lust dudes!

Tell u...sports celebrities, a bit of money and they go nuts esp soccer players. Ah well of course some pple would say they dun get much entertainment off. Need to destress...pfft...pls.

Shld be like Rodger Federer. U dont see him in any scandalous stories right?

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