Thursday, January 07, 2010

Heed well the words of the EMO HIGH PRIEST!! (aka emo ego overlord, supreme overlord, victor the kser, victor the great, victor the supreme egoist etc u get the drift)

Many years ago, he discovered the emo god was losing his emoism, because he was winning dota games. Hence the emo high priest decided to create something...someone to ensure games would be lost, allowing pure purple emoism to flood out.

1) Experiment no 1

log post no 1

SUCESS!! The Garung God : Pastor Teo.This new creation garungly charges into 5 heroes regardless of hp or situation, succeeded in pulling out moments of emoism from emo god.

log 2

Garung God has displayed certain flaws. Target has acquired a girlfriend and goes often to church activites, severely reducing dota playing time. Target's computer also disconnects often, (which does introduces emoism) but keeps him away from dota further.

i mean sure church and gfs are good for the human soul...but this is unecessary for emoism!! emosim requires 100% of the person's mind body and souL!!!

conclusion: require new subject to provide a new stable souce of emoism for the emo god

log 3

PROJECT EDWARD the emo Cataylst

- combining the skills of a total newb + Garung god's garungness + the Emo High Priest's egoness , and a pinch of pure purple emoism (grade A+++ quality) taken from the Emo God himself, the experiment is a success!!
(grade A+++ qualities emoism were harvested from the emo blast which transformed ordinary ivan tang into the dread DARTH EMO, hence quantities are extremely rare)

Game doesnt even need to be started for emo god to display emoness as soon as emo god sees subject edward in same team. Response from emo god: GG GG sure lose. rage quit and emoism output has increased by 10000%. WOHOO!!

log 4. (b4 ed went to NZ for 6 months)

subject skills have improved slightly. UNACCEPTABLE. (this is the time ed's sa had a mega kill streak and was doing pretty well after intense training and coaching). Requires upgrading to a lousier set of skills. Subject taken offline for 6 months

log 5.

PERFECTION!!! After 6 months of development, ladies and gentlemen!!! i present to u the EMO CATALYST!!!

all past skills or lackof have been enhanced. subject is more ego than ever with deadlier emo causing skills due to his lack of skills.

eg: MY JUG IS GOOD!!!! Ultis with 5 other mobs ard (still does that after repeated coaching)
eg: BloodSeeker doesnt learn ulti at lvl 6 (lack of common sense is promising in causing emoness)

The best part? everytime subject shows improvement, he gets called overseas for some school activity etc which reduces his skill back to negative regions. Renewable source of emoism.

So far subject hasnt played with The Emo God recently but signs are promising. latest results show his emoness has caused the Emo high priest to quit dota for 2 days! causing massive vomiting blood icons to appear on his teammates msn screen.

promising indeed...we have created a monster !! a monster!!! HAHAHA..results exceed expectations...when the emo god sees my results, he will praise me and i shall forever sit besides his emo right (mouse clicking) dota hand. MUHAHAHA.

End of log.

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