Sunday, March 28, 2010

ah yes old willie the emo gay knight guessed correctly! YES IT WAS THE !@&*()@ canoe incident.

So gather ard young ones and let me tell a tale that will strike terror into ur hearts at the stupidity of people. There are idiots and there are "idiots".

A long long long time (10 years to be exact), the young but not so puny sized victor went to OBS. since i mentioned this earlier on in my blog last time i shall not bore u with much details but shall jump straight to the action part. LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION.

anyway last 2 days had to go for the sea expedition trip. We set off in a dark and stormy day. OK fine it wasnt dark and stormy when we left. Young Victor was partnered with a Malay girl. So there we were paddling when suddenly a heavy storm fell upon us!

acutally everyone saw the storm coming (instructors decided to row for a nearby island) but oh well some (like my canoe) didnt make it in time

With whipping rains and leaping waves, we were battered left and right. (After i got back, my mom was very relieved. she showed me the newspaper for that stormy day, 2 pple were swept away and drowned in that storm. not sure where though, maybe they fell in a canal)

and well well well WOULD U BELIEVE (to those reading this the 1st time, the usual readers prob read this 3-4 times and would believe it) THAT MALAY GIRL DROPPED /LOST HER FUCKING OAR!!!????

usually this would be upsetting enough but the reason she gave me....i mean if she said she lost her grip because of the wind and the rain its...ok i guess...but....but...
She didnt want to lose her hat which her bf gave her, so she used 2...TWO!!! hands to hold onto her hat = 0 hands for the oar.

if emoism had sufaced earlier i would have been the 1st emo god i think.

so all the pent up frustration accumulated from HX's multiple "friendly" "pats" just gushed out. I remember screaming at her asking her "ARE U STUPID? losing your *@!() oar over the fucking hat?"

the irony? i lost my brother's personal ACS(I) hat which had his name sewed in gold on it in that storm. he scolded me for that but he knew it wasnt really my fault anyway. Rather i told him very life or your hat? which is more important?

Afterall if i wasn't like some DUMB BITCH. it would have been quite a joke seeing a canoe with 2 pple but both missing their oars.

Anyway a few of us rowed for the nearby little stretch of rocks which we could beach the canoes.

u know for a &!*)@!()()@! who had her I@!()*@!_(@!)_(@! deathgrip on the *#!()@!)_ hat, can u believe she somehow still managed to lose her grip on it and let it flow away from her? Then she started wailing hysterically ( i mean it, crying and all the hair wringing) and begged me to get it for her. I almost lost my balance on the rocks b4 i managed to grab it for her.

She ALSO didnt help in pulling the canoe closer to the rocks so that it wouldnt get swept out to sea. Do u know how heavy a water filled 2 seater canoe is? yes, and not to boast i dragged it abt almost i think 1.5m - 2m 1 handed. I know that my right hand kinda felt weird for a while after that but oh well you know the saying : " Anger gives great strength", "yes.....embrace it....accept ur anger and embrace the dark side of the force!"

I know...dun ask me why i even went to take it. probably just to shut her up. tired (have u any idea how hard it is to row a 2 seater canoe with but 1 row and the waves trying to sweep u in another direction? luckily the small island of rocks were in line with the waves so there wasnt much struggling against them)

Does it surprise u that she kept VERY VERY quiet and VERY VERY far away from me till the damm storm broke? me thinks i gave her the stare of death. i was just this close *fingers abt 2mm apart* from slapping her face and tossing her hat to the sea.

I u guys remember this Malay girl in NTSS? asthrysia?
i think she suffered a bout of hyperthermia during that incident. *grunt* victor here is made of leaner stuff. think they solved that by wrapping her in blankets. i do think there was an instructor with us at that time. then once they reached the island, she got hot milo! all that time i was just eating the plain biscuits they gave us. even picking a piece that dropped on the rocks...*seasoned with god knows what's in the sea and bird droppings* lol

Anyway, i think someone up there was watching this idiotic hat loving nut girl and it prob made that certain someone irritated too i guess. As a kind of retribution, the girl was bitten 3 times by a centipede that very night. i know its not nice to exult over someone's suffering but...i'm sure u all understand my feelings at that particular time.

looking back in hindsight, i should have done things differently. With age comes wisdom, how true that is. I should have, if conditions permitted, turned around, grabbed the hat away from her, slapped her hard twice to get her attention, and threatened her that if she didnt stop whining and help out more (hell even paddling with her hands might have helped), she would really get it from me. Probably just to emphasize my point i would toss her #!&!()*@()! hat to the sea. Heck..that hat wasnt even nice to look at.

*grunt* i would definitely have made an enemy of her and her whatever idiotic bf she had. but ah well...the amt of satisfaction that would have given me...sorts of would have compensated for it.

and i started this post on the 28th but finished it 3 days later. i was busy lah.

Btw, everything happened as it was. i dun think i overexaggerated anything that is.

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