Friday, March 19, 2010

i wanted to blog abt something

but i forgot what it was...

Ironic thing? it was meant to say best to blog abt 1 good thing b4 u pple complain abt the previous rubbish post.

and now here i am posting another rubbish post. lol.

i wonder what was the post i wanted to post.

hmm..can anyone help me remember? lol

maybe if i do a systematic elmination process

a) not abt that kicks et3000 or emo god out
b) food? hmm i am hungry but dun think i was thinking abt blogging abt food. 1 more b4 lunch hr
c) hmm i'm feeling cold now...but def wasnt going to blog abt that. aircon seems colder today in office

had a faint feeling was going to blog abt ivan but then again maybe not....he does have weird eating timings. well nvm. yet another frivolous post by me. i do think yh and hx will comment on this and the last post.

blog fatigue lol. need something to spark off those creative juices. i know! maybe i can use my blog to educate pple abt lit! lol. hahahahaha. so who wants to read Jane Eyre?

nah just kidding. I know once i mention lit most pple's eyes kinda roll back and all their insomenia gets cured.

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