Thursday, January 14, 2010


I've a veryy very bad feeling that things arent going to work on on Sunday during my grandma's birthday celebrations

The main concern is the utter lack of space. Because its going to be held in my aunt's house and even though theres going to be a club house i sincerely doubt there's going to be enuff space to hold like 50 pple or so? sorry make that 64 pple. Even my aunt said clubhouse prob cant hold all of us together. and her house can ONLY hold max 15 pple.

a) Own family gathering = 32 pple (including kids gfs + bfs)

then my aunt went to invite the godsister who'is very close to my grandma = ok

but also to invite the godsister's half brothers and sisters???? and i heard that their family size is the same as ours. AND only my mom's generation knows them. What abt their kids? NO ONE KNOWS THEM and def = 0 interaction i can say.

so 32x 2 = 64.

initiall i thought 32 pple was alrdy going to be hella cramp. now 64??
where are the young nephews and nieces going to sit? WHERE"S MY GRANDMA GOING TO SIT?

what's more is that the birthday song is going to be in cantonese when everyone doesnt know cantonese but hokkien? and my grandma is a hokkien anyway? (cantonese song was suggested by my aunt's friend. feel like scolding that idiotic person). i mean OMFG.

She even hired a photographer?? dude they also need space to take shots!! and a MC??? sighs.......why do we even need a MC when my cousin Mark is one or can be one, him being the Goth King, DJ etc.

Did i mention that the BLOODY young 19 years old photographer suggested a musical chair game in hokkien music? I MEAN COME ON MAN!! besides the new borns (born in year 2000 and after) the rest of us are min 18 years old. thank god i managed to dissuade my aunt from it but i heard recently she was considering it again.

And there are pts i dun even know like food arrangments, car park space etc.

There are just too many things that are VERY likely to go wrong and there's no way to avoid it since i cant say i dont want to go, after all it is my grandma's birthday.

helllooooo sleepless nights. i expect alot of pple to leave early. so much for a happy family gathering.

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