Sunday, January 24, 2010

Well u know just when u thought the notorious et3000 had sunk to his lowest in dota skills...he sank even lower.

an EPIC match where victory was almost lost! a battle of wits, determination and emoness. (emo god wasnt there though)

in this game we saw 2 extreme noobs battling it out for the title of noobness supremo.

Contestant number 1: Viper with DAGON. (public player)

contestant number 2: everybody's one and only FAVOURITE and the reigning holder of the title: ET3000 with his SPIRITBREAKER WITH..*drum rolls* EAGLEHORN!!

if not for the emo overlord just glancing at et3000's items, this secret would never have been found out.

emo overlord: ah damm died....oh well let's look at et3000's items. shld be quite farmed up by now. *clicks* stares at screen....blinks away..rubs on et3000 again...sees the dreaded eaglehorn.

the horror man the horror...

et3000's reason: "that time my NS use butter (which eaglehorn is 1 of the key items in making it) he hit like a machine gun. bang bang bang!

conclusion: either his teammates that game were damm pro and/or other team made of noobness supremos wannabes.

the scariest thing? he commented today. wah my friends in hall also jio me to dota but they all noobs. (ed calling others noobs...i mean omfg...ed's alrdy the noobness supremos. dun tell me he's raising the next generation of noobness embodied??? *shudders* mass production of emo cataylsts...*gash!!!*

THE HORROR THE HORROR!! (Minor tibits info: for those interested in this phrase, it's by joseph conrad's book: Heart of Darkness" )

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