Sunday, January 31, 2010

As everyone can see i changed the music for my blog.

The song is the ending theme of FFX. Basically its like a combination of a few of the good songs mixed into this song.

Ivan said my suteki da ne song very emo. really

*news report by the emo overlord*

and there we have it folks! RODGER FEDERER has beaten Andy Murray! straight sets too. even though Murray had like 4-5 chances to win the 3rd set, guess the FEDERER EXPRESS managed to overcome the difficulties and win it out.

damm exciting match!

Our BC club also has its own Federer express

*someone whispers to the emo overlord*

huh? what it's not federer's the Feeder-er express? no shit? *transmission cuts off*

haha sorry folks, BC has no federer express...misinformation. BUT we do have the feeder-er express. latest quotes from the feeder-er express : "Battlefury is hp item what"

this time after laning with emo god....he has forced emo god to once again uninstall his WC3! talk abt emoness huh?

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