Found this in Alvin's blog. So decided to steal it from him.haha. His blog's pretty cool. HE'S A VIDEO FREAK! (dun show him this). haha
7 things tt scare me.
1. cockroaches
2. Swimming in places my feet can't touch the grd (that's a awful lot of places...*looks at own height*
3. being alone
4. Seeing my fav cd being broken
5. lousy parents (not my mom of cuz! Seen a few in the streets here and there..idiots ought to be shot)
6. Having no GF? haha.
7. Pple throwing my items ard
7 things that i like most!
1. GIRLS!! (hehe...coloured wolf) HAHAHA! juz kidding
2. My newphew/neice, baby cousins
3. My friends
4. Basketball
5. Badminton
6. Anime
7. MYSELF (i know..SUPER BIG EGO!!!)
7 important things in my room
1. My comp...actually it's the family comp. Poor other comp to share. actually no space at home to put another one. collection of books
3. my comics!
4. TV/aircon/fan (i know i'm cheating here)
5. my old letters and photos since primary sch.
6. PS2
7. my badminton rackets
.7 random facts abt me...
1. I look young...some say childish...i say youthful! (evidence of a huge ego problem here)
2.Left handed here
3. i like sweets
4. I'm a kind bully (go figure this out)
5. I have almost never lost my temper completely.
6. I spend lots of money on food whenever i dine alone. ($$$$ self control)
7. I've hardly celebrated my Birthday in peace. Always either during exams or in army
.7 things to do before i die
1. Get a gf/wife/have kids
2. go to switzerland
3. learn to cook
4. Get really really drunk
5. Visit a lot of cold countries (singapore damm hot...)
6. ensure pple will have good things to say abt me after i'm gone
7. Have a multi storey house
7 things i can do
1. Drive a person insane
2. always wake up b4 the alarm rings.
3. Eat buffet 3 weekends in a row (bleh! dun try that folks)
4. bend my ankles at a super weird angle. (almost 90 degrees to the left and keep it there)
5. Tolerate edward for so many yrs. (can become a saint alrdy) haha.
6. Sleep for 3hrs over a span of 3days
7. Eat 4 packets of sweets in 3.5hrs.
7 things i cant do
1. Swim
2. sew (at least not w/o stabbing my own finger)
3. Be in a chem lab w/o breaking a test tube/beaker/boiling tube
4. Understand how the army can still function with so many idiots running it.(bet it's one the great mysteries in the world)
5. Window shopping for hrs.
6. Understand girls
7. sing
7 things i say the most
1. KNN!
2. f*ck
3. haha
4. bo money! bo lieu! no money
5. want to die is it *insert person's name* or never die b4 is it *person's name* usually the name is edward tired...*yawns*
7. wat's up/how's life
7 celeb crushes
1. qn pls? dun really have one. All more or less the same
7 people who will have to do this
1. My friends all too lazy! if they do this i will be surprised.