Wednesday, June 24, 2009

haiz i still feeling gloomy!!

whole morning and till now will and ivan both not online!!! bloody hell they must be sleeping in this nice weather.

anyway for my comp, yh's suggestion abt the ram problem is probably off. They did change the graphics card, ram ,motherboard and even the harddisk and the problem still remains. So prob the main problem is MB compatibility which is weird considering that they said that they have sold other identical setup copies to pple and they have no problems. Someone up there really doesn't like me.

so once again i must take yet another 1/2 day leave to fix the comp. #(!#(!))$*(!@.

baby therapy works. Just playing with my niece last night removed most of the emoness in me.

oh new army unit posted in? 24SIB. next one to fall since i'm going to be posted there.

1 PDF. 30...and soon 24?

I feel very tired.... mentally physically spiritually too i guess.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Emo mood emo mood

my fucking comp gave me the #(*!)(#*!)( ( blue screen of death again!! again! OMFG!! i'm like so fucking pissed.

so basically once hit with the blue screen it will auto loop reset with a blue screen appearing everytime until u foce shutdown the comp.

i get various messages like
Driver IRQL not less or equal
page fault in non paged area

and finally after the bloody 4th blue screen i got this non blue screen error

warning: mainbios checksum error.

it's like so fucked up. So being the google geek i a, i goggled all the errors and here were some of the results

1) motherboard compatibility with the whole system ( i think it's this problem)
2) Battery in comp weak ( rubbish! and forums also put changing batt sometimes prob also can still occur)
3) Nvidia driver problem? (updated the drivers alrdy so prob not)

i mean even this morning when my dad was surfing the net bluescreen popped out. WTF! what's more it seems that other sets with the same config have been sold and MINE IS THE ONLY ONE GIVING PROBLEMS! IF i wanted such a screwed up comp, i would have bought a bloody $900 set instead.

the best part? my initial computer i bought 2 years back also had to go back so many times!! that's why i changed shop to PC themes since it has quite a good reputation. No problems when those pple in the shop tested it for hours. But within 2 days of me playing..the fucking problems all pop out. ($@#(!_#(!#(!)!(. The only good thing so far is the excellent after service support. But i'm still getting hell of a fucked up frustration lagging my comp all the time and paying ERP and parking fees at SLS.

seriously life's quite screwed up this month besides this comp problem. haiz.......more health issues (just when i thought my Iga was doing fine another thing pops out, comp problems, bloody candidates at work not showing up or changing timings like no one's business, what else can go wrong?

so tempted to just take 1 month unpaid leave to do my own stuff. unwind, travel ard singapore to borders, suntec etc i dun know. It's like playing blackjack and getting a 12 with ur 1st two cards and the next card u just had to get a 10 to go burst.

i'm really feeling kinda scewed up kinda thing feeling now..

damm u zy!! u better not be doing some voodo emo magic with ur sis helping and holding a doll of me with needles jabbed in it!!
For those who didnt see yh's comments here it is.

That's not emo enough!

The Emo Disciple

Skill 1

Emo Wave: When irritated enough, the the emo disciple unleases his fearsome emo wave around him, causing havok amongst both friends and foes.

lvl4: Does 300dmg + 20x(no. of deaths) to enemies and 150dmg + 10x(no. of deaths) to allies. Also induces Rage for 4s among allies, increasing damage by 20%.

Skill 2

Emoism Aura: Stepped in emoism for years, this aura is truly terrifying. No one is spare, not even his allies....

Lvl 4: When the number of Emo Disciple's death is above his kills, he generates a massively negative aura that continuously damages everyone by 4% HP until his kills outnumber his deaths.

Skill 3

Emo Overload: Falling under the spell of emoism, the emo disciple ignores all signs of dangers and charges in pursuit of his foes. Death holds no fear over the emo disciple.

lvl 4: Player automatically loses control over the Emo Disciple whenever his team has killed 1 less tower than the opposing team. If neither side has a tower, the Tree/Throne on the side of Emo Disciple must have equal or more HP than the enemies' in order to disable Emo Overload.

While Emo Overload is active, Emo Disciple will find the spot with highest number of opponents and charge into their midst while throwing 1HP Chickens. If all enemies are dead, the Emo Disciple will sprint at 200% movement speed towards the opposite fountain.

Ultimate: Ragequit.

When Ragequit is learned, the player automatically disconnects.

Friday, June 19, 2009

New Hero suggestion for dota 6.61

1) The Emo Disciple!

Description: Raised under the tutelage of the EMO GOD, his 1st disciple decided to join the sentinals to end the evil of the scourge! Laughing insanely into battle, the emo disciple can as much as a threat to his allies as to his enemies.

Skill 1

Emo Wave: When irritated enough, the emo disciple unleases his fearsome emo wave in a straight line, causing havok amongst his foes.
lvl 4: does 300dmg + 20x (no of deaths), induces emoism temporaily to enemies + reducing their armour by 6 and 20% chance they might suicide charge you for the next 5secs

Skill 2

Emoism Aura: Stepped in emoism for years, this aura is truly terrifying, no one is spare not even his allies....

Lvl 4: Emoism spreads slowly towards all who comes near the emo disciple.The massively negative aura reduces all dmg given out by 20% (allies included) to all within a 700 range. Lasts for 15secs. Cd = 60 secs. There is a 10% chance that all heroes within range lose control for 10secs.

Skill 3

Emo boost: Utilising the science of emoism, the emo disciple ignores all signs of dangers and charges in pursuit of his foe. Death holds no fear over the emo disciple over the joy of getting kills.

lvl 4: once locked into a hero, this skills forces the emo disciple to chase after the hero for 10secs. During this duration, emo disciple cannot change his direction but can still use spells. Gains +50% mana regen, +10% movment speed -5 armour. If the emo disciple kills the hero and manages to escape, he gains an extra 100g.

Ultimate: Avatar of the Emo God.
By invoking his God's name, the Emo Disciple is granted a minor faction of his deity's powers, Let Emoism Reign!!

lvl 3: Inspires all allies to charge forward gaining a 10% increase in attack dmg, movement speed and mana regen at the course of -10 armour for 15secs. Allies cannot retreat/use items during this duration.
20% chance the emo disciple might wander off to NC areas during this duration, tp away, do nothing or hinder his allies (like eul pple into the air for fun) due to the effects of this spell. (-5% chance = 15% chance with sceptar)

3% chance that he might quit for no reason. IF this does happen, mocking laughter can be heard for 5secs. Allies of the emo disciple will each receive 1000g in compensation. (this chance becomes 1% with sceptar)

Tremble and beware Mortals!! Emoism is near! Thanks to william for helping contribute parts of the skills. lol. Now u know what we do during msn.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

So for the past week i've tried waking up in the morning to exercise and here's the result.

I try to wake up at 730am. have my usual 2 slices of plain bread, exercise till ard 820am, bath etc and go to work by 850 or so.

Monday - woke up at 730...or tried to...fell back to sleep till 745am. EPIC FAILURE. decided to skip exercise that day since i wouldnt have been able to do much

Tueday - I actually woke up on time!! and did my routine. SUCCESS!!

Wednesday - Woke up on time after dota session ended at like 1+? (bloody long game). Tried doing exercise...instead of 7km of cycling i did 3...did my weights lifting...felt too bloody tired to do the rest of sit ups and pushup. FAIL!!!

Thursday - decided to rest. tired day at office

So my routine is at best 50-50. badddd....

i blame this on ivan and william and dota sessions and mr emo god.

good news is that my comp shld be fixed by tomorrow. They testing out 2D 3D and graphics intensive games on it at the moment. it better bloody work. Maybe it's only mass effect on the comp even though i doubt it. but still.heck.

Sims3...almost "acquired" it. This sunday...must cut hair. so count me out for BB guys.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Today while at Sim lim checking out on the troubleshooting of my comp, i saw this incredibly chio/pretty/hot/go ga-ga female lifeform at the lobby.

true, she had quite a bit of makeup on. but it was something else abt her that made me turn a few times /stare at her (discreetly of course). could be her high high heels+ her height (ard ivan's height i think) makeup but i think it was more of the fact that she radiated the kinda confidence u rarely see in pple these days and the way she walked. Some sort of inner glow i will say. really took my breath away. Confidence is sexy? lol. she looked a bit koreanish. (then again could be the makeup)

Rare indeed.

And the office 1 floor below mine has quite a few pretty girls too. think maybe because it's promoting facial products or some skin and beauty thing, so i guess they need pretty girls to uphold their image.

Hmm..this makes me sound pretty desperate lol? ah well... whatever.

Guess it's not the kind of experience u have everday. worth blogging i guess.
i wanted to follow up the last post with an emo outburst but after seeing hx's greetings from europe + taking a healthy dose of eclipse mints sweets, my emoness has kinda dissipated.

So for during this 1 whole *fucking* (insert hx-ness here so that we dun miss him too much) , hx is off holidaying with CM. wah! so cool. i wonder why he didnt ask any of us to see him off the airport. So sad.

WOHOO! so now for the whole month, month free of arrowing, "arranging" stuff for all of BC members. is good.

Now if only we could get zy to stop emo-ing during dota....and it might be the perfect month lol. paradise paradise. However, knowing our emo god's emoness, trying to cure his emoness is like trying to end world hunger. admirable goal but freakingly impossible given the current world conditions.

Friday, June 12, 2009

RAwrrr new blog post! *trumpets blowing*

it's been a damm bad week. really really reallly bad

1) bought a new comp. 2nd day of testing it out while playing Mass effect kana blue screen of death. at 1st i thought it was maybe ME wasn't compatible with vista 64bit, but a search through the web shows alot of pple have completed it with 64bit.

2) after 5days, service guy called me, it's fixed! or kinda. he changed the graphics card, ram and motherboard. so shd be ok. but but after trying for antoehr 20mins, kana blue screen again. So his solution, he will reinstall vista, reinstall my game and if that still doesnt work he will change the CPU. why am i so unlucky??? my last comp also had this kinda shit.

3) My candidate PS me. He came, didnt like the job and escaped when no one was looking kns! and i was forced to replace him and had to wear a mascot costume. Photos will be out. Freakingly hot. lucky only had to wear it for like 10-15mins per every 1 hr. There was a fan in the costume but no one told me till the very last photo shoot. &@!*&@!&**@&

4) Zy's Emoness at yesterday's dota game. That really blew my temper. enuff said. The things i said to him were harsh but well deserved. I can' stand such fucking losers. Even when i'm lagging and feeding i've almost never quit. that bloody ass quits whenever he feels like it. I mean come on man, we were winning 4v5 and the other opponents minus a pretty skilled pudge were very very lousy. just because he was 0-3 he left. fucked up. my scoldings in 1 sentence included cb,f*ck and a$$hole. whatever, i will just kick him out of the games i host, if others host, it's up to them to decide bah. but i will not let zy play in my game for a long time.

Acutally those 3 things happened yesterday so ya it was a very very very bad day = bad week.

i wonder how THX is doing in UK now? how i envy friends with gfs. i mean maybe besides ivan lol. jsut kidding. i want a girl who cooks cleans and gives me money. (no mention of parents here pls) lol. haha...damm super sterotype male pig attitude i know. hmm shld i also put good in bed too? hahahahahahahahahahaha