Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Just some random thoughts

a) Everyday i go to walk i see this "poor" blind man wearing a big pair of sunglasses with a blind man's stick standing besides the chinese temple with a pack of tissue papers in his hand pleading for pple to buy from him. Ever the sceptical cynical person i am, i always thought that he seemed to know where the person's hand which holds the monney is. so just last week, when i was earlier than usual, i saw the same old man! (notice lack of the word blind here). At first i didn't recognise him, but he did attract my attention because i thought he looked familiar. So there he was squatting down on the paveways, expertly assembling his blind walking stick, not wearing his sunglasses, reached into his backpack without hesistation to grab the 3 packets of tissue paper. Viola! 3 secconds later there was the "poor blind old man" standing at his corner. Damm fraudster. to think i was almost tempted to buy tissue paper from him the last time. of course too bad i alrdy have like 3 packets of tissue paper on me too. lol

b) hx's comments on a picture of 1 of his many girlfriends being drunk and sleeping on the street. saying something abt how anyone can sleep on the roads till so song. Of course I'm sure PASTOR TEO didn't remember

a) sleeping during KTV when everyoone was singing their lungs out in Msia
b) sleeping while playing Magic the gathering in czy's house.
c) always 1 of the 1st if not the 1st one sleeping when we stay over at anyone's house + SNORING! (he denies the snoring and says it's breathing loudly)

until i reminded him this morning on msn. compared to him, that char bo is an amaetur. When checking to confirm his comments, i think the sly mr teo erased the mini feed so i can't remember which girl it was but still....

so i heard NTU pple having exams on 14th APRIL!! so fast! 1 month earlier than me. Gosh that means when i go to NTU to study on May all u buggers will be celebrating end of exams. Ivan willl be Pak toring like hell. Sad. I think i will go NP study liao. Haiz! Then hx told me Bc members might be going holidaying in mid may W/O overlord!!! (i've exams end may) wah! feel sad sia. first go buffet w/o me now overseas w/o me. *cries*

no wonder my left eye was twitching like crazy today. Left eye twitch = good or bad news? must be bad news sia.

update: was looking at hx's facbook profile and i saw

Religious Views:
Christian - Anglican

stunner!!! my heart stopped a beat because i thought i saw religion instead of religion views. almost as bad as his msn nick today: peace at heart which i thought i saw as peaceful at heart (vomits blood).

UP WITH PASTOR TEO!!!!! All hail the new holy person in BC!! (kicks the "half-fucked" holy victor away)

Friday, March 21, 2008

so spent the day having lunch with my parents. pleasant enough cosidering my dad's attitude.
mentioned the potential holiday trip and straight away critizise it. blah..seriouosly sometime his attitude pisses me off so much. He thinks he knows EVERYTHING. i think that's why my family doesnt talk much during dinner or meals together. after all why bother when every opinion./thought will be shot down?

anyway no lesson today! whee! but f*cking hell...why is the makeup on saturday 5.30pm - 8pm? what spastic idiot thought up of such an bloody inconvenient time? knn!!!

found a new site to download final fantasy songs. (actually not much use to me since i've most of the songs i wanted. ) all because hx wanted a song. i searched 5 sites, dled 4 versions of the song b4 i got the right one and just a simple word of thx??? I WANT MORE!! DEMAND MORE!!! MORE!!!!

and wah liao that bugger ivan...where is he on thur's night when today is a public holiday? doesn't he understand what that means? it means dota!!! Fail as a host lah! no host how can there be dota. william and i were so disappointed. must be xl's fault. haha. ivan......lah...dota important u know? it binds the BC members together when we can't meet up.

so ya anyway i'm in a bad mood over the damm makeup lesson.

back to less impt things. like studying living..playing ....mugging...dotaing...sleeping...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Was just thinking abt czy and the err..interesting topics we usually have in BC outings.

usually it ranges from Char bos! to religion.

so dear czy doesn't really like talking to the females, doesn't like shopping, doesn't talk to them on the phone etc etc. Ah..boy talk abt setting a tough hurdle to overcome. our great suggestions ( yh hx, ivan ed and i) do nothing to deter his moodiness when it comes to finding a girlfriend for our dear friend.

When it comes to the topic of religion...oh boy...sometimes i don't know whether to cry or laugh at czy's err...shall we say views on Christianity? Czy strongly doesn't believe in Christianity. Each time i try to explain the nuances and customs of christanity, he asks more challenging and harder to explain questions. (like that time in NYDC)

Dare we forget Czy's opinion on me saying singing hymns makes a person feels good etc etc? Let's see if i can remember his words

czy: " so singing hymns is like watching porn?" ( amazed that the ground underneath him didn't open up and swallow him lol)

I swear...everttime i tallk to czy abt the subject of christanity, i 've always this image of a devil craving our names out in hell... lol. (oh oh victor and czy having another conversation on christanity, quick! add another letter to mark their place)

and despite his accusations of me being a half-fucked Christian, i'm not a half fucked Christian!! Oh i mean sure i don't go to church often, but i pray and ahere to the good moral teachings. I've read the bible from cover to cover! i've read several (2-3) Christian Books! I'm not HALF FUCKED!!!

Of course last time i was the deemed most christian type that is until PASTOR TEO went to church all the time, singing hymns etc etc. Next time me thinks Pastor Teo shld talk to Czy on Christanity. Me thinks conversation btw the 2 will be very very interesting/amusing. Will Pastor Teo try the gentle and patient speech? or will he say like: " FUCK LAH! HOW I KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS TO UR QNS? ETC ETC"

of course that time in NYDC Mr Pastor Teo came late and left early. He had no time to have that discussion with Mr Czy.

oF course the goal is not to convert czy to christanity, but to err,,let him appreciate/understand it better. talk abt impossbile difficulty! like asking ivan to get beyond godlike for dota for 5 days in a row lol!

End Post.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

JUst some random thoughts

just realised Valentine's day nothuing much happened during that time. besides me and BC members being left high and dry (besides ivan). As i was making my way home on the bus, i saw groups of giddy little females clutching a stalk or stalks of roses. maybe the occassional rare sight of a single female with no flower/s.

So here me cynical little me was thinking, wat's the big deal? i mean most of those girls will prob get dumped within the next 1-2yrs time. then again the more optimistic part of my soul was saying oh well maybe not all of them will break up, maybe abt 90% of them will break up so 10% is still a pretty good figure. i mean come on...whoever stuck to their 1st bf/gf? ok maybe the very very few lucky ones.

anyway i was telling my cousin Andy abt MH, as in saying she's vegetarian and he gave me the hmm..this could be tricky dating look. lol. A few pple gave me the same look too. I mean, she's vegetarian and let's face facts, my whole family could be described as enormous meat eaters. Of course say i look further down the future, to family functions etc etc, it prob will be awkward to have a gf who's pure vegetarian when the whole family munching on the bones and blood of animals. (tad exaggeration on the bones and blood), but still u get the drift.

the idea of me converting MH to be non vegetarian is almost laughable i think. For me to convert to vegetarian is plausible i guess ( but i will definitely still eat meat when i'm with friends or when she's not ard, the human nature of being a carnivore/omnivore for the last 23 years.) The pragmatic side of me says it prob wouldn't work out. The ever lasting optimistic part of me wants to give it a shot.

Still i guess friendship doesnt necessarily means relationship. Haha...after all i'm not an EDWARD!!!! Having Girlfriends (as in normal friends and the other special kind) doesnt mean they are for sex only (i bet ed's sneezing badly now).

Haiz..the troubles or dilemna I'm facing/going to face. Oh well..guess this makes life more interesting.

LOL I wonder what happens if XL converts to vegetarian? Ivan = doesn't like veggies having a vegetarian gf......truly a interesting case specimen.

Enough of such thinking, prob i will be too busy taking care of my bro's new kid. Another new generation to corrupt, *MUHAHAHA* (kid's going to stay at my room when he's old enough when my bro and cindy needs a break! That's like prob next year may or so when he/she 6 months old or so). YOSH! Time to learn how to change diapers.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

latest combi update

1) Claire scored 7 As and B for her GP for her A lvls!
smart cousin isn't she? grumpy, spoilt, bad tempered most of the times but smart. WAY TO GO COUSIN! i notice the females in the neo side all are very far the count is (including my aunts) 2 forming their own companies, and 3 successful lawyers. of course the males aren't slacking either.

2) Micheala got 100% for her english test and 86% for her maths test! so proud of my little neice. Could sense tina's pride when she smsed us.

Quoting her: " so proud of my little bird, even though she behaves strangely at times, she can reason count and analyse well!"


3) The Biggest NEWS OF ALL

I'm going to be an uncle again! my bro's going to be a dad! HOLY!!!! Like a thunderbolt smashing on me head! looks like little luke and micheala are going to have a cousin to mangle err...i mean play with in a few months time.


kk enuff posts for now. can't think of what else to write for the moment. (lousy friends go have buffet when i'm not well ..*mutters curses* haha. Just when i was going to treat at least 50% of the total bill since i'm working and b) of news no 3 of course.

had to spread the good cheer mah. oh nvm. save me $$$$$. *mutters these types of least help me ta bao! haha)

i think the thing i like abt jap food is the wasabi i get to put on the food. went to my bro's house and i saw WASABI coated PEANUTS!!!! took my supreme willpower to only take 4 peanuts....even then...the small tinge i tasted sent a shiver down my spine! yummy. b4 i fell sick i also took wasabi coated ice cream but that wasn't strong enuff...wasted my $$.

next time rememeber to ta bao food hor! overlord must also feast once in a a while. think it;s the 1sttime i';ve missed a buffet outing with them! * mutters once again...these type of friends....*
3rd post!

random thoughts:

HX CHEATS AT SCRABBLES!!! scrabbles isn't abt using english words! it's using 2 letters or words no one can form sentences with unless ur proficient in oh maybe...17 different languages.

transcript taken from latest scrabbles game on facebook

Victor C: SUQ???? QATS??? wtf...use them in a sentence!!!
Teo X: hahaa...this is scrabble..not english class hor!

of course there are always the "QI" - 47pts, ZA - 30 over pts that hx peridocially unleashes.

btw suq =Variant of souk.= A market, or part of a market, in an Arab city

not bad hor hx!

qat - the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea; has the effect of a euphoric stimulant; "in Yemen kat is used daily by 85% of adults"

so hx from devat (turkish) is now expanding to arab and yemen is russian right? way to go!

CHEATER!!!! scrabbles isn't abt english words's abt just clobbering together words and hoping they form a word recognised by the programme in facebook.

hx has beaten me 3 times!!! ok maybe 4 times soon. ARGH!! THE SHAME SHAME!!!! THE CHEATER!!!!
that last blog was suppose to be up on feb 20th. but oh well....

so here's my again overdue HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY!!!

let's see what was i doing ard that period of time? oh ya we went to czy's house for steamboat. i remember this was when the effects of claire's flu bug getting to me was pretty obvious. I kept on sneezing that day.

lucky no one got my flu bug huh? even though we were in an enclosed room with air con on betting our money on black jack. i lost over $10 that day. considering that we were playing 50 cents per game.... dumb czy....who ask him to get x2 ace when he bet $1.80.....when i was banker!!!

wah piang...then i think will and someone else had black jack luck sia. they alll bully the "rich" kid. why is it everyone bets $1 MIN!!! when i'm the banker? i've a family to feed too.. (my mouth, stomach and me~!)

I know ivan surprised not "surprised" xl with a card (so kind of ivan hor! and here i was thinking it was finally going to be the ikea pencils gift)

Claire's bf gave her 12 roses (how so uncreative). i wouldn't say cheap. oh well...1st love is like this i guess. bleh..waste money only.

btw can xl like u know..ditch ivan for 2-3 days? then he can come back to BC and clean his plaque? it's all dirty and dusty. tsk tsk...come back mr bak ku teh man! we miss u..and ur ribs! (hmm...bak ku teh...with wu cha kuei, chilli saurce and soya source...heavenly) *must eat,...iivan;s a! ivan's food!!!) now ivan knows what i'm thinking of when i give me the droopy drooling look. haha

ah back to topic...HAPPPY BELATED almost 1 month V day pple.

kk must post faster. clear all the bacck logs! quantity over quality
Amazing isn't it? almost 3 weeks of no blogging and no one came to bother me abt it at all!!! can it be true?
so let's get on with the overdue (as usual) updates ye? so 1st thing 1st = HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!
2nd thing = HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY!! (for the lucky bastards = Ivan, GH and Richard FOr richie and ivan...ok lah know them so long can't really bear to curse them to singlehood. but for GH....*utters long curse against GH to be a bachelor once more) and HAPPY FRIENDSHIP's DAY ( for the unlucky bastards= (all the rest of us bachelors).
I shall dedicate 1 post to each day/s
CNY! Ah the year of nice little red hongbaos with even nicer not so little notes in them. ka ching! I didn't even count the amt of $$ i had. Just passed it to my mom. (let's spell the word filial together 1 2 3 ! F I L I A L).
Anyway eve of CNY's steamboat at my ah mah;s house was much quieter than usual. Bro and Cindy went off to in-laws place. Aunt Wendy and Family (whooping number of 10 pple) celebrated on their own. Kiddies were with them of course. So the kids table (anyone below 35 and/or unmarried) shrunk to a mere 5 pple. (andy claire yiyu simon and i) = LOTS of FOOD for us!
Abalone was splendid! Must be Aunt Yen that made it nicer by adding a dash of chilli and onions.
So nothing much on CNY eve except the usual collection of $$.
Only ended the day with sending my cousin claire to her bf's house. I must say that bf...not very good lah. Ask the GF to come all the way to his least stand nearby to escort her to the condominium lah! place so dark and quiet. NB!! IF anything happened to my cousin i would have made him a real enunch. Somemore my cousin was ill that day. Stupid girl.

Anyway this post was suppose to be up on 20th feb but i lost interest in it. so end post!

PS: Claire passed her illness to me = flu = me being sick 4 days. so much for doing kind deeds huh? hao ying mei hao bao