Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I swear English language is one of the most fucked up boring subjects to study. OMFG! WHy are all the damm essays 1.5k -2k words??? Worst thing is that it's so cb-ish techinical and to link the essay to the qn...bua ta han...

and oh ya! my last 3 assignments, 2 of them are due on the same day! hallejulah!.

Anyway happy belated easter to u buggers. fine i'm 2 days late so sue me. Went to church on sunday with mom and bro. Not that bad, except I was sitting below the air-conditioner (remember hor! air-con is not the right word. must improve engrish). And wow...the guest speaker talked for 1hr straight non-stop. Didn't help that my stomach was rumbling by 1145am.

Positive note: met up with my cousins and there was a buffet lunch! (it was also their 4th aniversary btw).

Negative note: kind of irrtating my cousin's companions a pair of like 10 yr girls. U know they were telling one of those little kiddy stories (this one went with her saying one guy was duper smart and scoed 300/300 for PSLE etc etc) and I had to shoot off my smart mouth and poke a bit of fun at her. (her story also lasted for 10mins straight which i also commented on the duration)

The look she shot at me....Brrr...talk abt the look of death. CHilled my blood instantly. Since when did little girls learn to stare like that? (for those who watch naruto, it's like itachi's sharingan eyes). LOL.

So maybe the BC would have 2 pastors now. Pastors Cheong and Teo. Then again i'm the SOL (supreme overlord) so i guess i can't hold dual offices too.

*curse u my fellow memebers, sprinkle UNholy water, maybe eternal bachelorhood follow u.* lol. (IF I CAN"T GET OUT! NO ONE GETS OUT OF THE CLUB TOO!)

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

"I swear English language is one of the most fucked up boring subjects to study. OMFG! WHy are all the damm essays 1.5k -2k words??? Worst thing is that it's so cb-ish techinical and to link the essay to the qn...bua ta han..."

if thats true ur going to have a hard life, cos ur engrish is the best among the languages u no. like if u compare it with ur hokkien... i dunno, but from where i come from, we pronounce it as "buay ta han"

"Negative note: kind of irrtating my cousin's companions a pair of like 10 yr girls. U know they were telling one of those little kiddy stories (this one went with her saying one guy was duper smart and scoed 300/300 for PSLE etc etc) and I had to shoot off my smart mouth and poke a bit of fun at her. (her story also lasted for 10mins straight which i also commented on the duration)"

pfft.. 300/300 is nothing. i once knew some guy who scored 362/300 for PSLE...

"The look she shot at me....Brrr...talk abt the look of death. CHilled my blood instantly. Since when did little girls learn to stare like that?"

little girls know that sort of stare once they're born. its an inborn instinct, so that females can retaliate when insensitive relatives poke fun at their gossips.

*curse u my fellow memebers, sprinkle UNholy water, maybe eternal bachelorhood follow u.* lol. (IF I CAN"T GET OUT! NO ONE GETS OUT OF THE CLUB TOO!)

u can get out, dw. in the worst case scenario we will just have to merge with a SpinstersClub or something...

PS this is how u create essays that spans 1.5k words. talk a whole load of bull that don't say anything useful LOLOL