Thursday, April 05, 2007

Several Facts abt kids

a) They are smalll little meatballs marked fragile

b) They have no sense of personal safety:
eg: i) Climbing up the bedroom window till they are 2m above the ground and smiling all the way. ii) Jumping up and down on the bed 30cm away from the edge of the bed and constantly falling down and saved in the nick of time by the uncles and aunties looking after them

For your info: It takes 6 uncles and aunties to look after them for just 4 hours.

c) They can be violent......very violent:

eg: Slaughtering me 2v1 on the bed. abt 25kg kid bouncing up and down my tummy every 5secs for a full min and a 15kg kid punching my legs/face/everywhere. I admitted defeat in 20secs.

d) They have unlimited energy for 3-4hrs at a stretch b4 falling into a power save mode. This energy is used to terrorise their elders as mentioned in section (b) and to run around non stop for 3hrs straight. OR to blow a balloon (unsuccessful) for 45 mins straight without pausing for any breaks.

Tha'ts abt all i can say abt my nephew + niece. I do notice my niece can be pretty tomboy-ish and she kicks like a horse. How can someone so young kick so hard? Only almost 5yrs old and she's like 1.3m tall? (Me thinks she takes after her dad who's like 1.93m).

I just love the part when my cousin told me she protected her little bro from a bully who snatched his stuff in school like 1 yr back. Not only did she take it back, she also slapped the little bugger. ALL RIGHT!!! That's the way to go! So proud of her... (Ever since claire, i notice the neo females (ok there's only claire and micheala now) are quite violent.)

Therefore we have little bro hero worshipping young but not so little sister. aww...isn't it cute? THe ultimate punishment : Victor, help look after BOTH of them for the next 5 hrs ok? *long scream of despair)

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

kids like it when i throw them up repeatedly. they want to fly, it seems.


i remember when i was a bully in pri 1. then one guy i bullied formed a gang the next yr and bullied me instead. LOL!

thats when i learnt my lesson - that if ur going to sin, go all the way and dont do a half-fuck job.

since i didnt bully him hard enuf to put the fear of me deep down inside his soul, i caused him to develop resistance to my bullying.

when taking care of children, a little education helps.

One way is to teach them some important lessons in life. like sexual intercourse. or teach the boys some of the theoretical ways of how to get laid. or about euthanasia.

this is a sure-fire way to make ur relatives think twice about asking u next time. and ur reason is completely valid! they're going to learn these sooner or later anyway, and sooner is better than later!