Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Group of Guy cousins posing for photos. For those who've heard me mentioned abt my cousin mark, he's the 2nd guy from the right. One thing i'e realised abt my fellow Neo cousins, they are all very entrepreneur. Noticed all my uncles and aunties are. WAH LIAO!! WHy is my mom the only "black sheep" and i've to take her genes too? LOL

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

Just bcos everyone is doing something doesn't mean you have to do it too. And not doing it is not a shameful thing, either. but if u really luv money, u can always go for it.. in ur case u can be a engrish tutor and if ur good u can eventually open a engrish tuition centre.
Btw cheeyuan seems to be having problems writing some stuff for his scholarship application. Hes englan aso vely bad lyke m3. i duno hou 2 speel lyke aso.. iz tat teh collect wae?