Saturday, February 17, 2007

Such harsh comments from yh on MS. But even though i might agree on certain points, i just can't call any girl a bitch. It's not built into my system. Unless she wrecks my family kills a relative etc etc. That's when i will get a whole lot more serious and name callings will be quite down the list of things on the to do list.

Yh's comments are fantastic!! Insightful bugger isn't he? Maybe if he fine tunes a bit, we might transform YH to a POET!!! Or he can be the next mr brown! of course we will call him using another colour since brown's been taken. Maybe Mr BLUE, since yh usually wears blue i think.

On to more dull news

a) just came back from x2 reunion dinners. 1 for lunch (with paternal side) and 1 with maternal side for dinner.

Paternal side nothing much to say. Dinner at a restaurent. Chit chat a bit and go home.

With my grandma side (maternal), it was fantastic as usual! There's a simple joy in having steamboat with ur relatives in the comfort of ur grandma's house. Normal basic conversations brings pleasure due to the strong kinship each of us share. Even better was the game of MONOPOLY we played together later on. Laugher boundless and shrieks/moans of frustation mixed in to blend to form a festive atmosphere.

It reminded me of the very old days when we were 10 yrs old playing little games which lasted throughout the night.

Btw did i mentioned my 2 cousins looked very pretty tonight too? Can't wait for claire to get a bf so the rest of us can interrogate her and the bf. (if bf doesn't pass our standard, drop him off at seberia.) She did mentioned she went out on V day with SOMEONE..but evasive answers clued us to SOMEONE = MALE!! That male better be someone one dates our little cousin for fun. (calls in the relatives power)

As for Yiyu, only way to annoy her is to pester her to get married since she's the next eldest after my bro. (amy's overseas, mark...(dun think anyone expects him to get married for now).

End of story: played till 10om then sent yiyu and simon back home. I'm still hungry though...weird

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

It wasn't exactly done for the sake of calling her names. but bitch is a shorter word to type than words like "bad girl" and etc. and u get what i mean quicker.

i like blue. especially the films. and poet? where did that come from?

ur hungry for something else. somethin more emotional. U hunger for... orgasms! USE YOUR HANDS IN THE MEANTIME!