Monday, April 30, 2007

i'm back from not blogging.

a) Just barely recovered from my usual severe bout of tonsillitis (not sure how to spell it) aka severe throat infection.

Ya so basically i was sick since wednesday 25th april. bed ridden as usual for 4 days, filled with extremely strong medication. and being very groggy because of that. I only got out of bed on sat morning when i revisited the doc and he "upgraded" my Antibiotics (AB).

in fact the antibiotics they gave me is so strong i'm trembling as a side effect. 1 pill a day. It's so strong that on the box it's stated * poison* taken strictly under doctor's directions. Stronger than my usual Amoc (another form of AB) (not sure abt thr name again) which several doctors have alrdy said it's one of the strongest AB around. And that old medicine used to make me shake quite a bit in secondary school too. Couldn't hold my pencil for days after that when i 1st took it. next time i will show a pic of the new AB's box with all the warnings on it.

It's as the doctor's warning many yrs is coming through. Bit by bit my body is gaining a resistence to the AB given to me. It took abt 8yrs for me to change from this old one to the noew poison i'm taking. Then i will require either stronger dosages or a stronger antibiotics. Eventaully i might even die from my sickness if in the far far future where AB has no effect on my body. of course by then i hope not to suffer from tonsillitis again so it shld be ok.

Suffered from fever, cough (i coughed out a bit of blood 2 days ago) and flu too i think. Quite a trilple attack. also lungs clogged with phelgm. swollen windpipes, difficulty breathing now. As usual when my old "pal" infects me, my mom and bro notice i tend to hallucinate and become a little bit delirious because of the fever (not talking abt minor 38.5 degrees here but my usual 38.7 to 39.5degrees here. there went some good brain cells.

so now my medication consist of : SUPER STRONG AB, cough med, 1 type of pill to open airways, another type of remove phelgm. This was after my previous medication finished (AB, 2 types of pills similar to wat i'm taking now too)

Another proof of the strong medicine effect? besides shaking quite badly...i can't think that straight now, and breaking out in pesperiation even in an air con room. Dun thihnk i will blog anymore. Hands are not being steady enuff. and computer is making me feel dizzy. and i'm coughing my lungs out again.

I think most of my friends finished their exams alrdy right? good for them. Dun ask me out though. SIck boy here still has exams at mid may.

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

I'm not back from commenting.

a) Just barely recovered from my usual severe bout of holiday(not sure how to spell it) mood aka jet-lag.

Ya so basically I was shagged since monday 30th april. Fatigued as usual for 2 days so far, filled with extremely strong coffee, and being very shaky because of that. I only got of the com on mon afternoon when I visited the doc at National Skin Centre and he "upgraded" my pocket hole.

In fact the hole in my pocket is so big I'm trembling as a side effect. 1 cream and 1 lotion a day. It's so strong that on the boxes it's stated poison taken strictly under doctor's directions. And are not sold over-the-counter. Stronger than my usual betamethanone-minacol 2. They're some of the strongest stuff around. And that old cream used to make my wallet shake quit a bit in secondary school too. Couldn't use my money for days after that when I first paid for it. Next time I will show a pic of my empty wallet with all the warnings on it.

It's as the economist's warning many yrs is coming through. Bit by bit my budget is gaining a larger expenditure to the income given to me. It took abt 3 weeks for me to change from this old cream to the new poison I'm applying. Then I will require either stronger dosages or a new skin. Eventually I might even die from an armpit itch if in the far far future where no cream has an effect on my body. of course by then I hope not to suffer from sensitive skin again so it shld be ok.

Suffered from insomnia too i think. Quite a double attack. also mouth filled with coffee, swollen eyes, difficulty eating now. As usual when my old "pal" visits me, my mom and bro don't notice anything because I'm too quiet in the morning. There went some good sperm cells.

so now my medication consist of : SUPER STRONG CREAM, itch med, 1 type of coffee to open eyes, another type to remove fatigue. This was after my previous holiday finished (Dec to mid-March).

Another proof of the strong expenditure effect? besides shaking quite badly...i can't think that straight now, and breaking out in pesperiation even in an air con room. Dun thihnk i will comment anymore. Hands are not being steady enuff. and computer is making me feel dizzy. and i'm drinking my coffee up again.

I think most of my friends finished their exams alrdy right? good for them. Dun ask me out though during weekdays. SHagged boy here still has lessons at both special terms.