Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bachelor's club getting smaller by the yrs. First was John Ming, and now HX???!!

The club had *manually counts* 8 members...ok now 10 if we include will and gh. (ed,ivan,czy,yh,hx,john, myself, gh ,will, PSK ?), founded in yr 2002?? Attrition rate would be 1 person every 2yrs. So if u use mathematics, it would be 16 yrs b4 everyone gets a girlfriend. So by the time ed gets married (if ever), he can celebrate his 40th birthday juz in time. hahaha.

How weird that among all the pple, it's the 2 most unlikely pple to get gfs. Ok..actaully all of us are all very unlikely prospects. Haha..

Haha..survival type of elimination: HX voted off the island of bachelors. *sniff sniff sob sob* EVEN if he insists it's unofficial. *coughs* Since i know u will read this hx, ask u what's the difference between Official & Unofficial GF? Pray enlighten me.

In defence of Hx, he is the most muscular amongst all of us. I mean real muscles. All of us have big muscles, but most of us are 1 pack muscles. Hx might have 2-4. (only exception is Ivan whose bones can be seen pretty clearly)

At least i think Hx's gf (official or otherwise) is prettier than John's. Bloody hell.. I'm still jealous of non-single guys. (homos dun count, so bugged off)

Guess have to rely Ivan and Ed to accompany me to the "finals" of this survival "game" *evil laughter*

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