Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I've always loved taking care of my little Prince and Princess Nephew and Niece. If only they would be less irritating at times. But hey kids, u juz can't really stay angry at them.

Sunday went to my Ah mah's house for lunch. They were so cute! (as usual, i would always say that)

They both wanted to eat their small little box of conflakes. (luke loves Koko crunch , while miki loves her Honey Stars). At least Miki (short form of micheala pronounced as Mi care la. ) bothers to share her conflakes with me. She's so much generous than the SELFISH LITTLE BROTHER!!!!!

She passes her food (sometimes half eaten fruits too *yuck*) to relatives. Luke is abt ME ME ALL MINE!! He wants to avoid me from stealing his food. He even punched me!! HIS OWN UNCLE! So sad.

To emphasis his pt, he took 1 handful (pretty small since it's a 2.5 yrs old baby) and stuffed it into his mouth. Sighs...cute but greedy little kid.

Of course actually luke is quieter and less active than his elder sis. He sits quietly colouring on his sister's book.

Miki jumps, sings, and dances. Cute but noisy. One IRRITATING habit she has is sitting on me tummy after my meal. After that she attempts to plug out my leg hair 1 by 1, while singing a song. (I know i have hairy legs but still..argh!!!). Note: It's ok for her to try but for anyone else, it's like digging ur own grave. On the + side, she feeds me grapes. Nice feeling like an Emperor. *coughs* doesn't consider as child exploitation right?

My only wish for them is: WHY CAN'T THEY WASH OR WIPE THEIR HANDS ON TISSUE PAPER AFTER HAVING THEIR FOOD/FRUITS B4 TOUCHING ME???? YUCK! I'm always covered with fruit juices after taking care of them everytime. so sticky.

Anything to see them smile i guess. :)

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