Wednesday, November 22, 2006

U know listening to Final Fantasy Soundtracks is a very soothing habit. The music for most of them are peaceful, relaxing, and pleasing to the ears. Most of them were composed by Nobuo Uematsu.

The latest FFXII only consisted of 1 song which he composed. I must say, the music i hear in FFXII is very pitiful. Sigh...such a pity that Nobuo Uematsu retired from Square Soft. *sobs* Truly a great talent gone.

But seriously, FFXII the soundtracks really cannot be compared with the other FFVII- FFX series songs. The music in the rest of the series are actaully so beautiful that i've stopped playing sometimes juz to enjoy the music in a certain part of the map. FFXII sadly lack that feature. In fact I often played it without noticing the background music at all. *laments more*

Think next time i will go to HMV and try to find out more of Nobuo Uematsu's cds. Heard he formed the band BLACK MAGES.

Listening to FF soundtracks calms my anger and temper. I LIKE IT! of course for some pple, they would say the music puts them to sleep. True in a sense since it's very soothing/calming etc etc. LONG LIVE Nobuo Uematsu!!

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