Friday, November 24, 2006

Wow, took my 1st steps in learning more abt english to prepare me for the SIM open UNiv in Jan. Took out my bro's study book obtained in NIE which was abt english language study.

Want to spit blood. How did I ever do well in English without knowing a thing about Nouns, Proverbs, pronouns, determiners, conjuctions, prepositions, verbs??? Only thing i knew, as in the real meaning was Adjectives.

Think it had to do with the damm governement. During my generation ( makes pple like me sound so old), we weren't taught grammer. Bloody hell. THANKS A LOT PAP!!!! At least they have corrected this blunder of theirs now. Heard they have began teaching Kindagarten kids grammer again. Lucky pple. Blessed with more knowledge than their seniors.

Why does it always have to rain when i'm thinking of going out for lunch? Why does it almost always rain when i don't bring my umbrellra with me? SOmeone up there doesn't like me i think, or rather enjoys seeing me get soaked.

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