Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Almost a week since Master Victor became Slave Victor when my maid was given leave to go back to her hometown for 3 weeks. Of course there's always a possbility that she will run away, forcing my family to find a new replacement.

Oh well, until she comes back or a new maid arrives, it's up to Butler Victor to
a) wash the dishes
b) mop the house
c) water the flowers ( thank god it's been raining for the last few days)
d) make the bed
e) help out in the cooking (i volunteered for this, but my mom seems reluctant to have me help out)

Ah I know what most of my friends are thinking. Victor doing household chores? IMPOSSIBLE! He's a pampered child etc etc. Well, YOU THOUGHT WRONG BUGGERS!!!! Victor does have the knowledge and ABILITY to do the various chores that's supposedly done in a house.

For potential wives**, (okok i know it shld be for the potential WIFE, but a guy can hope right?) VICTOR can do household chores! A good point/merit for a husband. Interested parties leave a note in the comments section. Will diligently check my blog for the next few days.

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