Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Cheong Family has produced yet another genius. My little cousin has done outstandingly well in his PSLE! Score? I don't know. But I heard he has been offered the ACS(I) 6 yr study programme. So i guess it's been pretty good.

My uncle and aunt must have excellent genes. Everyone of their 4 kids are all smarty pants. Of course they have nurtured their children with great love and peace and harmony in the family. If only I could say the same of my own. Everytime I see my uncle being so kind and in sync with his children, i can only sigh and wonder at the possbilites if things were different.

But God? Fate? has tossed my bro and I such a way of life, and we can't really do a thing abt it. Where what should be love and care, there's only an abiding hatred. Slow and continously growing but always kept under control. Cold indifference is our attitude, be grateful it doesn't warp to something else.

Of course Victor has a very good personality. I've been praised as the most loving and big hearted amongst all the grandchildren in both side of the family. I wouldn't eat u..come to uncle victor. hohoho! Thing i took that particular trait from my mom.

Isn't it strange how such intense hatred and great kindness/genoursity co-exist? Such is the way of life. It doesn't mean I like the way it has turned out though.

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