Saturday, December 23, 2006

What defines one as a Christian? Of course being baptised is a confirmation. But how abt pple like me who hasn't going to church for like yrs and yrs and yrs?

I guess one can call me a sceptic Christian. I believe but don't really believe at the same time. U know the usual questions like Why's there so much hatred and death and problems in the world etc etc.

But I do pray every/every other night. Usual stuff, keep friends/family safe/happy etc. Maybe I shld pray to be happy myself. It just might work. Somehow I think I was never really meant to believe in 1 faith. I might not be like Hx who would/and have argue with pastors/monks/converts, but I do habour doubts at times. ( typical pple the religious encounter everytime).

Religion is all nice, promote peace, trust, faith in one another and in one's Deity/God/. I respect that. (i'm tolerant of other religions). Anyway it's almost Xmas. Head being muddled with all the Xmas songs. Hence the talk abt religion i think.

Happy Early Xmas to my friends and readers, since i don't think i would be blogging on xmas after all.

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