Saturday, December 30, 2006

You know u need to get a girlfriend when your parents and relatives start asking on how come Victor doesn't have a girlfriend yet.

Of course this could be due to the fact that my bro is going to get married next year, AND i'm the only cousin (of acceptable age) that doesn't have a girlfriend yet. I suppose such things can't be rushed. I swear i will get one during my 4 yrs in SIM. (this doesn't mean that i will find one in SIM)

Sigh...wasted so much time in wild goose chases. Guess i'm like the rest of the club. A bit humji! haha. INEXPERIENCE in dating too i guess.

On happier notes: I've bought a new pair of working shoes and sports shoes. Small feet causes great problems. Especially now when i have the insoles to put inside my shoes. Oh ye lucky pple with normal feet size, how i envy u.

Oh well, i've gotten over the many faults God placed in me.
a) Short height ( gotten used to that eons ago)
b) Very small feet (still whine abt it now and then)
c) Tight leg muscles causing intense pain when running/walking long distances. Basically it's stretching the leg muscles (like a rubber band). I'm envious of pple who can run w/o feeling the pain. I wonder how that feels like, to be able to run for over 2km w/o pain.

Well those are the small permanent problems that will always trouble me. *shrugs*


Anonymous said...

I din know that your muscles will feel pain when you walk long time before I walk long distance, I will do a simple warm up so that your muscles wouldn't hurt so badly.
Anyway, I think we have a pre-destined role to play in this no matter wat you are made of, regardless of height or watever, you still can play a part.
Also, I realise there is no rush to get a gf..true is that that everyone wants to get out of the bachelors' club but b4 you find the right one, there's no point bumping around...cos more female friends is better than having 1 girlfriend.


Senor_Hybrido said...

aren't you surprised to see 2 comments on your blog? probably thinking "OMFG! 2!?!?!!"

anyway, L2DRIVE! and abt gf, why are you all so interested in gfs! ok maybe ur not as bad as ed. he's probably going to rape his first gf on their 2nd date. on the first date hes prolly going to get be late for an hour(a gross underestimation in view of our friendship). so no sex there.
but gfs! gah! its not like u will never get one if u just stop thinking abt girls for ONE second. Life is not just abt sex!

Think about the solution, not the problem!

Anonymous said...

Wow...that was a profound comment by Yau Hing...haha...
Anyway, I feel leaving a comment here is not abt debating abt philosophy and so on but rather is to encourage victor to write more so that despite my busy schedule, I will still know what the F he is Yau Hing...stop deleting your blog entries, start to write and build up your blog like Vic!
