Wednesday, January 24, 2007

wanted to go out this saturday or sunday...but damm barber cut my hair too short. Ivan complains i post nadal lost in my blog spoils his dled matches


just realised there's someone in my friend's list that i have no recollection of. No other friends connect to her too. weird.

More than 1/2 my Uni Sim classs consist of Malays/Indians. i seem racist? Racism is only when ur words/actions do harm/hurt to pple of different race. So u can think of such thoughts but as long as u don't act on it, it's ok. I'm not that bad against Malays/Indians, in fact i have a few friends amongst those 2 races.

Wished there were more chinese though (gives the dirty old man look) young and pretty ones!!! NO!! go university must go there to study. Anyway most the students in Uni SIM are working adults. Not like NTU or NUS.

sleepy..going to log off now. Got good matches to watch tomorrow.

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