Wednesday, January 24, 2007

YA! Nadal was defeated. Great game. Hard to study when there's live telecast of such good matches. Thank goodness my lessons haven't started yet but still...feel guilty watching such good matches.

On a side note: Heard from huimin via msn that CY injured himself??? Some torn leg muscles? Must be from badminton. Sigh! See lah! OCS officer still so weak. Even a clerk didn't get so injured. Although my arm still aches a bit but not as bad as a torn muscle. Bugger probably never warm up/ cool down properly unlike ME!!! (learnt my lesson after 1 such experience. remember i couldn't walk properly for like 4-5 days..)

On a Good point: I've cut down on my dota-ing to once a day only!!! By sunday (end of aussie open), i will have cut down totally on dota!!

PS: i will still play if pple chio me, (only on saturdays)

So come on!! Where are the cheers?? the claps??? GIVE ME SOME CREDIT!!!! (yes i know i'm very thick skin, no need to say it out again.)

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