Monday, January 15, 2007

Haven't updated for a month only?? Must be getting better at blogging i guess. First Blog of 2007.

Nothing much. will update photos of AGM BC 2006 one of these days. Just collected my course materials from Uni SIM. Freakishly heavy. Also seen my timetable. Thur + Fri : 1930- 2200. And Saturdays 1430-1730. So that means no basketball on saturdays. Don't want to stink up the lecture rooms. Let edward kbkb, I don't care. My studies are more impt than my social life for now.

I look at my course materials and i feel like crying. So many reading mats. ARGH!!! Reading an enjoyable book is one thing...reading one's textbooks is another. Tomorrow, I will start reading alrdy. Want to get a GPA of 4.5 or at least 4.0. So Bye bye social life. (except in matters of gfs of course. Must carry on the bloodline of the Cheongs!!!)Haha.

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