Monday, January 22, 2007

Watching The Australian Open on SCV. Very impressive display of tennis. As usual/expected, rodger federer trashing all his opponents in straight sets while his other rivals (if they can be called that), are all being pushed to 4-5 sets matches.

Now watching Kim Clijsters play. Have no freaking idea how/why Lleyton Hweitt proposed to her the last time. Bet he must be thanking god that she called off the wedding. (shld be since he's now married to a super model wife) I can he fall in love with such an ugly person? SHe is 1 of the SHE-MALES in women's tennis.

Still shell shocked that HX went to a CHURCH CAMP!!!!! Just imagine all the urges he has to suppress the usual vulgarities he says when he's with us. William, Ivan and I have agreed, we can't imagine hx saying words like: " Praise to the Lord", "peace be with u" etc etc. THE MOST INCONCEIVABLE sight: HX dressed in a pastor's robes... (and the heavens will shake and the earth shall shatter) hahaha.

Left arm aches like hell. Yesterday's badminton was fun fun fun. Defeated CY!! HOHOHO! Ivan and william are pretty good. CY's better than me i think. Since he does play more often with huimin and shuyu. Oh well just his luck all his drop shots didn't make it it. He said i was lucky to win. Haha...True but luck is needed to win some games! (PS: and he was using my best racket, while i was using his heavier racket. OH YA! WHO'S UR DADDY!!! *victor's skin grows thicker by another 2 inches)

Have to get a new grip for 1 of my rackets. Truly disgusting sight. Maybe i will check the rest of my rackets, see whether the rest needs new grips and re-stringing. ANother good at least $10 out of my pocket....

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