Sunday, June 17, 2007

I swear my blog has become more of a discussion board for my fellow BC members than our actual website.

Ah well.. regarding ivan's love life i guess we can forgive him for it. I mean the poor dude's only had his 1st GF for like *drum roll* abt 4 months! A new (and 1st) record!!! And we all know love strikes pple blind and dumb and shrinks the affected loved pple's brains. Like they say, as long as it's done in love, IT"S OK!!! SO GO IVAN!

Btw ivan, u do know at ur age for pple in china, u shld have like 2-3 kids alrdy? Get on with the plan man! (This could be what ur parents are thinking but dare not say. Since i'm not 1 of ur parents, and i'm who i am, err...nvm...let's not push ivan's buttons too many times).

And yh, for william's case, i've been giving him similiar "creative" suggestions but for some strange reasons he rarely (if ever) takes my advice. hmm..i wonder why? Any of my suggestions would make celest his gf INSTANTLY!! even though he might have to serve a little bit of jail time. BUT HEY! FOR LOVE, ANYTHING'S ENDURABLE right?

Anyway ya, maybe next week (near start of jul) i might organise an outing. If i can get more pple to come in the 1st place. Hardest pple to hunt: Pastor Teo, John Ming and edward and gh and ivan (if he's DATING THAT CHAR BO AGAIN! haha). The middle 3 names aren't that important anyway since they are famous PSKs.

John Ming =MIA
GH = either exercising or STUDYING (pfft..)
ED = whatever excuse he can make up for that day.

Anyone up for jap buffet? read in today's sunday times that there's a place that $30 but very good. Most of u working now so shld be able to afford it bah. I will put it up on the boards soon.

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