Sunday, June 17, 2007

I;ve just read finished the book: FAST FOOD NATION.

and i tell u...i'm never eating fast food ever again. In fact it's almost made me into a vegetarian. Advice for u pple in the states (USA) especially: NEVER EVER EAT AT THE FAST FOOD STALLS THERE. MCDONALDS KFC BK etc etc

the book states the process which burgers (beef,chicken even pizza) are made and let me tell aren't pretty. Frankly speaking, u will have a healthier meal licking scraps off the rubbish bin. that's how bad it is.

Illegal immigrants there are the worst. Made to do all the shit jobs. 1 guy worked at Mac's for 16 yrs! They fired him w/o even informing him. Maybe next tiem u guys can read the book.

Let's say with mad cow disease? U expect america to check their beef at least much more intensely right? WRONG! For every 3.76 million cows slaughtered a year, only 15,000 are checked for mad cow disease virus.

Sigh..reading that book really made me think abt how wretched the world is to the poor and needy. Explioted, bullied, laid off w/o any warnings etc. REports on safety falstified, no insurances, no medical coverage at all.

Btw, all these info are true facts. A macdonald person in USA is only earning like less than US$2/hr i think.

I wonder when these owners (the big owners of mac, kfc etc) look in a mirror, what do they see? Their fortunes are made from literally the blood of innocents. Blood money i would say. When one looks in a mirror, one shld be proud of ur life, actions. I'm amazed if they didn't see horns and forked tails in their own reflections.



Anonymous said...

Oh man..reading your blog and I just felt that I have missed out so much.
Hope you guys are well cos I miss you all! Haha...
Actually planned a dim sum buffet this coming Sat with Ivan, CZY, CY, XinLan and JinLi. Din invite the rest of you cos I scared you guys will scare the girls.
Imagine 8guys to 2girls?
But on reading your blog,it just makes me wonder why must we bother abt girls.Rite? Only pple like Ivan will..erm..william too.
Cheong, lend me the Fast Food nation book..I haven been touching computer games for some time so I need to occupy myself with something else besides going for training and doing programmer stuff..sian..
Lastly, before I sign off, if anyone reads this blog, u're coordinally invited to meet at Boon Lay MRT on 23rd June Sat at 1100hrs to go for the Tung Lok dim sum buffet. Msg me by coming Wed(20/6) so I can reserve.Price: $20 I DID not spread the word around so it's exclusively for readers of Victor's blog!!If u read this, help me by not spreading the word. =p
Honoured Mr. Cheong?

P/S: Stop calling me pastor...I am really not as religious as you think. Haha..btw, the girls at church are pretty..haha..but too young for me but then I like to look at young girls. Haha


Anonymous said...

Btw cheong,pls go get a tagboard or something...haha...just for pple that dun haf so much things to say to leave msgs...go look at other pple's blog and copy theirs. Haha...
My fav blog so far...
