Sunday, July 01, 2007

Genting Hols 29 Jul- 02 Aug 07

Hongxin proposing a holiday at genting from the above mentiond date.
$79 for 3D2N with bus and accomodation.
WHere's the accomodation?
First World HOtel (for those pple who are like me and don't recognise that name, it's the same one we stayed at the last time we went to genting/KL.

Meant for relaxation and enjoyment. To escape the scorching heat of the singapore weather. and also as a last min denial that Uni term is starting again. LET THE NIGHTMARE BEGIN!

Check the BC website to post ur vote on it pple.

As usual u can tell hx does all the proposing but all the work as usual arrowed to me. What's new?


Anonymous said...

Haiz...dun worry...I will be single with you till I duno when..
I doubt I will be attached me and mark my words.

Anyway, not that I want to arrow you...but I just feel that you as supreme overload shld do something to contribute to BC.
Next time I propose to you, I suggest you can tell the rest that you are the one
Let's go to Genting...without mentioning my name.
I look forward to this trip..haha..CZY has agreed...I was surprised that he din do it reluctantly because Genting is a place where there is no WOW or any game...maybe he can sing KTV there cos it's quite cheap and we will all be pulled to join him. Haha..

Anonymous said...

Haha...hx, like i've said b4, ur single because u CHOOSE to be single!!!! not because no girl wants u. BIG BIG Difference there my friend.

ANyway the arrowing...nvm lah. U arrow me so many times alrdy. Numbed to the feeling of being arrowed.


Czy, hx + me- confirmed
gh Ivan, yh, william = unconfirmed
Ed= unlikey? since he's going to be back from 1 hol, dun think he will be eager to go to another 1.