Sunday, July 01, 2007

Photo really doesn't do her justice . Guess she's not that photogenic, like ME!! haha. managed to get her to have the photo taken besides these 2 very cute motocycles. We had dinner at crystal jade at HV and walked around cold storage. Wanted to walk else where was raining quite heavily outside.

what is it with this female that makes me go ga ga smitten? so now comes the hard part of wooing her...easily said than done. This time i wouldn't give up so easily. Can't believe i've been tryign since way way back. Even when she had a bf, i just waited, hoping for something. Hope God grants me good luck and success

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

Because of your stunningly.. honest.. 2nd paragraph, I shall keep most of my thoughts to myself.

I dislike makeup on younger ladies.