Monday, July 23, 2007

My new computer is giving me lots of trouble. Making me so so pissed. Today going to fix it again. This time Cybermind better do the fu*king job well. Going to issue an ultimatium. Fix it or refund me or i will take it up to CASE. Not paying good money for such substandard goods/service. Of course it doesn't affect me since i'm mostly using
On to other news:

1) haha.. looks like in the end my MOS free ticket for 2 is going to be a souvenir in my house. Tad bit disappointing since i've never been to MOS b4 and i rarely club. A pity indeed

2) My "nerdy" but superbly smart cousin has gotten a GF. ARGH!! now i'm truly the only cousin on both sides of the maternal/paternal side of ok age to get a gf that doesn't have one. THE HORROR!! THE HORROR!! (this is especially true when my aunts all ask, victor where's ur gf? oh u dun have one yet?*breaks out in laughter*)

3) My other cousin Andy came back from Australia and he bought DONUTS!!! and various snacks. Such a great cousin. thsoe donuts were jut superb. And yes it's all been eaten up. so dun bother asking if there are any left

4) Medical test results are out! result is still above average (which isn't good news) something abt 0.07 higher than wat is acceptable. So must still keep watch on my diet. Then my uncles and aunties all called to ask abt it. (one called from china, the other from india). Well loved nephew indeed. So touched. *sniff sniff*

5) Took up dota-ing again. And i tell u..the noobs on lan/bnet in the whole f*king country, very disappointing bah. Come on pple. Since when did parents these days give birth to such losers/ whelps/ cowards? Then again i know most of these fools are young kids with no balls. so oh well.

Then again i've joined a channel which i must say, have pros in it!!! all of them dun leave when they have a game. But none of them have Jon's skill (when he was at his peak that is).

Random thoughts

1) how it must be wonderful to be rich. Easier to get married due to the fact u dun have a tight budget. Like those bloody superstars. Let's get married! Then go have the wedding in a damm castle which costs more than i would ever earn in my life (unless i strike toto and 4D and considering my luck, that's as much chance as GH winnning a mr popularity contest = 0.00000000000001 % chance)

2) 23 korean hostages taken by the ever stupid muslim militants. Oh ya, i'm sure if christians took 23 innocent looking muslims hostages, they would be crying jihads etc ec. I swear, how the hell did a religion like Islam ever produce such warped thinking? Religion's a funny think i guess.

I mean how in the militants' thick minds did they think that their God Allah, would ever say killing pple is part of religion. Can imagine militants saying to the angel: "I blew up myself and 100 innocent pple with me which included kids and women. Can i go to heaven now?"

Angel: "of course, *opens trap door to the deepest pit in hell* Cya in hell sucker!"

Of course pple would blame it on the americans which would led to the Bushes family. Why not George Bush's father, then grandfather etc etc. Heck, everything couold be blamed on adam and eve if everyone thinks like that.

Let's face it. LIFE IS DUMB and it's probably going to get dumber in the future.

And yes i'm a cynical person.

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

My new computer is giving me lots of trouble. Making me so so pissed.

With low prices comes low reliability.

now i'm truly the only cousin on both sides of the maternal/paternal side of ok age to get a gf that doesn't have one.

You took the wrong course. :P

Well loved nephew indeed.

Ask them to introduce some Chinese/Indian girls to you.

5) Took up dota-ing again. And i tell u..the noobs on lan/bnet in the whole f*king country, very disappointing bah. Come on pple. Since when did parents these days give birth to such losers/ whelps/ cowards? Then again i know most of these fools are young kids with no balls. so oh well.


1) how it must be wonderful to be rich.

It really depends on the person I guess.

2) 23 korean hostages taken by the ever stupid muslim militants. Oh ya, i'm sure if christians took 23 innocent looking muslims hostages, they would be crying jihads etc ec. I swear, how the hell did a religion like Islam ever produce such warped thinking? Religion's a funny think i guess.

I mean how in the militants' thick minds did they think that their God Allah, would ever say killing pple is part of religion. Can imagine militants saying to the angel: "I blew up myself and 100 innocent pple with me which included kids and women. Can i go to heaven now?"

It just proves we aren't that far from barbarism even in this age. Such justified (at least to one side) violence has always been present, everywhere around the world.

Another example would be in Israel.
History teaches us that the world hates Jews. Thats why Israel is the only Jewish country, and coincidentally, is the middle of all the Jew-hating, rich Arab countries.

Or earlier than that, we can think about KKK (don't forget they're all Christians) that collapsed only just over 50 years ago.

Or the 2 World Wars. (Again, Jews..)

And it's a fact that most Jews are living in the U.S. so that's another reason why the radical terrorists love the U.S. so much.