Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I take pride in knowing at least most pple when they google my name in any form would not be able to find this blog. So unless pple who read this blog and know me personally diverge the info to others, haha.. no ONE CAN DETECT ME!

Anyway read finish the papers today and once again i notice my cousin's name in the papers. Nothing bad of course. Under the forums where this dumb lady was complaining abt my cousin who's a DPP saying 24 strokes of the cane to be maintained for this serial offender with low IQ.


Putting aside kinship etc, i stand with tina on this issue man! So wat if the bugger has low IQ? Repeatedly committing crimes even with a LOW IQ doesn't mean u can get lighter sentence. Harsh and cruel as this might seem, sometimes to get through the thick skulls of certain pple, pain is needed to burn the lesson into them. If not they will never repent. Of course, i guess getting a priest to talk to him might have the same result.

One thing i noticed abt myself: Once i sleep past say 2-3am, i notice i usually wake up after say a few hrs of like 2-3hrs. ESPECIALLY DURING SLEEP OVERS. Of course this could be due to me sleeping in pretty uncomfortable positions wehen SOME pple *coughs hx coughs* sleeps so damm early and hogs the fucking bed!!!

How can someone with so much muscles get tired so easily sia? haha....still remember last sleep over, he slept first (0330), woke up (in a sleepy sleepy state when we were going to sleep at 0430) and scolded us for being so weak and sleeping so "early". BO WEI GONG! (nothing to say)

that's all the random thoughts i can think of for now. More updates forthcoming.

1 comment:

Senor_Hybrido said...

I take pride in knowing at least most pple when they google my name in any form would not be able to find this blog. So unless pple who read this blog and know me personally diverge the info to others, haha.. no ONE CAN DETECT ME!

I had to bite my tongue, metaphorically. I still am.

Putting aside kinship etc, i stand with tina on this issue man! So wat if the bugger has low IQ? Repeatedly committing crimes even with a LOW IQ doesn't mean u can get lighter sentence. Harsh and cruel as this might seem, sometimes to get through the thick skulls of certain pple, pain is needed to burn the lesson into them. If not they will never repent.

The nicer side of me says that one should never judge the news articles by face value. There is always another side of the story they never reveal.

The not-so-nice side of me says that here's another reason why euthanasia and/or infanticide should be made legal.

Of course, i guess getting a priest to talk to him might have the same result.

How evil can you get???!!