Sunday, November 19, 2006

Don't kn ow why SOME pple complain i don't blog more often. So far I've been blogging like once every 2 weeks!!!

That's a VAST improvement man! At least it's far better than the once every 2-3 months update. So anyway for the the lastest updates for the last 2 weeks

a) Been trying to find a job but so far no luck. blah! Think i would read up some english books on grammer and vocabulary to brush up on my english and prepare me for my Uni term in Jan. I must also be more err....refined? Will try not to swear so much (especially when playing dota) and try not to use singlish.

b) Attened ulric's birthday party on 17th Nov. Not bad at all. Bumped into a few old friends. Food there was GOOD!!! (at bloonie). Even though i think everyone overate.

c) Bought and completed FFXII alrdy. (in 2 weeks). That's a lot of time clocked in. But best to get rid of such a distraction b4 univ starts.

d) Realised that a person can plan for an event for many hrs, but if God doesn't want it to happen or by pure freak chance, there's really nothing that can be done. Man proposes, God disposes.

e) Since i'm using the desktop to type this out instead of the laptop, might as well update some of the photos i've taking from several occasions.


Anonymous said...

F you, where got pple got blog and only update like fortnightly? Want to start a blog then do it right and continue to update on a more regular basis la...and pls...don't make me waste my phone call on you just to ask what the F have you been up to lately when I can read everything off your blog...Come much time at home and you telling me you update fortnightly?This is no good excuse man!
haha...ya...don't worry...been neglecting you guys...not because I have to spend some time with some girls out there unless you regard the books and notes I study with as feminine..then I got nothing to say but exams are round the corner or it's like NOW!
Anyway, pls do make full use of your time instead of cheonging games to be more productive and spend time more meaningful than this man! haha...but still enjoy while you can cos studying sux...especially in a Singapore school but you feel like as though you are in China or sometimes India...depending on the people around you!
Anyway, pardon me if I sound fierce, i don't have anyone or any blog to vent my apparently and sadly, it's here that I have to do it...haha..sorry pal...will compensate after my exams!
Take good care man! Cya...hopefully a changed me from now after the exams!


Anonymous said...

This is what I wrote for CZY:
"lastly, you are the last person I would expect to write a blog and you did it. Congratulations...hopefully I will c more entries in time to come. Don't give up half way cos I feel quite entertaining reading your blog. Keep it up man!!!!"

That was two months back and you visit his blog now, he haven been updating for two months the same msg goes to you..reading your blog is entertaining so hopefully, will see it going till duno duno when, K?
