Monday, March 26, 2007

Fantastic! 4 comments in 1 day!! it's unbelievable. OK i like insulting gh. It's a genetic code inbuild into me.

formula = see ugly pple/ ghs/edwards/ obnoxious pple = insult discreetly and not so discreetly.
lol. anyway most of the pple reading this blog are like yh...who at this moment has an unlimited amt of free time. lucky frag

think i would take a break from blogging. Forcing myself to blog is 1 way to kill the creative juices. so don't expect to see any blogging for the next few weeks or months.

and GH getting a gf so soon??????? sigh...*regretfully keeps the GH: 10yrs as a Bachelor plaque + perm membership plaque in an old box together with ivan's. *

Don't worry gh. like ivan, if u dun have a gf, we can always take the plaques out of the box and welcome u back with open arms to DAMMNATION and ETERNAL BACHELORHOOD!!! *evil laughter* parents went to open and eat the chocalates i bought for mt alrdy. WAH!! good thing i bought chocs..even if can't give it away i can still munch on it. I wonder how they taste like though. So much for yet another unsuccessful plan of the supreme overlord.

cheers guys! last blog for the next several months.


Anonymous said... getting gf soon ah.And he nv mentioned to anyone until now huh?Hahaha..aiyo..everybody in bc seems to be geting a gf soon or gonna have a target.So vic...guess u gotta buck up..haha

if u want u can wait patiently for another 5 months or so if u think sim engrish teaching course is hopeless for u cuz the dragon girls are coming to ntu..
dragon yr=prosperous yr=more babies=more girls(simple eqn tt even engrish teachers shld know..)
So i can intro some to u if u are getting desperate then..Tkd girls or engineering girls??haha..

anw...i really like ur blog and what u type..honest.Its straight from ur heart on what u think and its real funny too..ive really enjoyed reading all ur dun take a break!!post more k..

Senor_Hybrido said...
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Senor_Hybrido said...

no one in bc tells anyone they're getting a gf till they actually gets one, or close to getting one. except william :P

/foam in the mouth

yea rest a while. Inspirations dont come everyday lol my blog is showing signs of that too.

But cos of u I'm getting one less source of entertainment now :(

And frikin naruto is showing only every fortnight :(

According to DB, at their present rate the anime will catch up with the manga in 160 weeks. 160!!! 40 months!!! 3 yrs 4 mths!!!!! OMFG!!

but if you remove all the repeating scenes of them staring at each other, it can be reduced to 40 weeks.

One negative effect of Capitalism.

This is becoming more like our forum than the yahoo group.

Senor_Hybrido said...

hey wtf man! i cant post any comments on your latest entry! go check your settings!

now im one hungry and disgruntled person!! all your fault! u stopped me from commenting on your last blog entry!! and im hungry cos im not taking supper! all your fault!! im not taking supper cos i have to spend my precious time typing this emo reply to your lack of comment-posting facilities on your blog!! wtf man!!

does this news make u swoon with "joy" and "delight"? wtf man!!

BLAME/ ACCURSE *certain country S_ _ _ _ PORE of some shit thing in the past/present/future. WHIP UP THE NATIONALISTS FEVER ONCE MORE!! I want my comment-posting rights!!!! the shit thing here is the lack of comment-posting facility on your blog!! i blame/accurse S_ _ _ PORE!!! and YOU!! WTF MAN!!!