Monday, March 05, 2007

I've been feeling pretty cranky these days. Maybe if Males had PMS this would be mine.haha. I'm feeling down..gloomy. Still got 1k words on my essay that's due 2molo 11.59pm. NB...

What i need is some sake (that means jap wine for the stupid and ignorant) some girls to sing a song and maybe someone to bash up at the end of the song. a massage would be good too. maybe a massage while the girls are singing. then after the song i can beat up someone. that would perk my day.

Something tells me i need a date soon b4 i really go insane. All my lecs/tutorials pple are all so much older than me. I envy idiots like hx,ivan,ed gh (that covers ntu,nus and sim (daytime). Once more i've this wretched feeling that if i fail in my usual GF stuff (as usual, after have 100% failure rate haha.) i'll be a bachelor for quite a while more. Oh well cheers to the Supreme Overlord!

Yes i know i'm rambling now but it happens when i'm moody.actually now i feel slurry. That's what doing english hw the whole day does to u. *Tavern keeper! get me a too...and put it on my tab*


Senor_Hybrido said...

1k words... ONLY!!!! u used to be able to write like u were bat fuck insane, spending 1 pen per day as u have said before! 2k word essay.. ONLY!!!

if you have difficulty writing, it may be because you do not understand the subject enough. I dunno. You're the expert.

What you need is a different attitude towards BGR. The way you go on with needing dates, when you actually get a gf you'd probably expect too much from the relationship. It's not as if a girlfriend is some kind of panacea. It's more like something you'd find along the way, something you just need to keep an eye out for. Like hx says, it comes when it comes. Wishing for it or dreaming about it will not make it come faster. Unlike the dick. In fact wishing too hard may make you see a suitable girl where there's none. Kinda like the case of MS.

I wouldn't drink beer if I were you but you can mix a little of that Bailey's with milk. Milk and alcohol are known to induce sleepiness, though too much alcohol supposedly doesn't give you good sleep. BTW i KNOW you are joking about the tavern thing.

Anonymous said...

Come on, girls are not everything.'s good to be single 2...I am seriously not consoling myself.
I suppose you are just lonely..find a life something about your life instead of staying betw home,sch and frequent outings with the bachelors. I duno what you can do...maybe pick up a musical instrument to learn? Or simply find the equally bored Yau Hing...oops...making a big assumption here!